A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kiddos and more house stuff

I've been trying to be better about taking pictures (now that I don't have anything important to take pictures of). So here's what we've been up to lately.

We'll start with Ellie.

This was Ellie's favorite song for a while. This is the second verse, because for some reason I only caught the first half of the first verse and then the file was too big to upload. My favorite part is her face when she says "reverently". Also, how she tries to say words she doesn't know and does her best to make it sound like she thinks it should.

 She is getting so big. I don't know if it's actually because she's growing so quickly, or because I have Malcolm to compare her too, but she is one lanky little girl. She's all arms and legs and compared to Malcolm she's huge! She's a really good talker and says some pretty hilarious things. Also, I've been teaching her random Spanish whenever it comes up easily. She knows almost all of the colors, a couple animals, some numbers and other random words. She LOVES to sing, but doesn't like having an audience most of the time.

When she takes a nap, I either find her like this (curled up in the small space that doesn't have books and toys on it) or under the covers with her shirt and pants removed.

This beautiful anglerfish is one of her favorite toys. This is how she had tucked in all of her "friends" before falling asleep in the above picture.

She LOVES to be outside.

And in some ways she's fearless. (Except for ghosts, vacuums, blenders, bees and flying screaming monkeys. And vegetables.) And she's crazy about her Daddy.

 (Yes, that is a slinky around her neck. She called it her "whiskers".)

I can't believe she's going to be 3 in a few months!

And Malcolm... time really does seem to go faster with the second one.

Nerdy like Daddy.

He's almost 2 1/2 months old and I'd be surprised if he weighed less than 15 pounds. He has the cutest little smile and has started cooing. Actually it's more like gooing. He loves baths and thinks he has to stand all the time. He's also started sleeping through the night. Last night he slept from 10 pm to 6 am and then slept from 6:30 am to 9:30 am. Awesome!

Could he be any cuter?
Actually, he can.

And my personal favorite:

what a cutie!!

Anyway, here's our quick house update:

The house we are buying is wonderful and we are SO excited to live there! The home inspection went very well and Ellie was sad that we had to leave "our" house, but we went to a park down the street and she recovered. The appraisal for the house was $35,000 more than we are buying it for, so that's pretty awesome.

As for our West Virginia house, our first offer fell through, but we got another one pretty quickly and it's more than the first one. So far it seems to be going well. They are looking to close the end of June, so we'll have 2 houses for about a month. I love my little WV house, but it will be nice not to worry about it anymore.

And that is all our updating, I think. We're just playing the waiting game. Less than a month now until we can have our own space and get our stuff back, after almost 8 months living with my parents. Malcolm can finally go home!


  1. Your kids are so cute! It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun adventures.

  2. Tell Ellie thank you for the song Grandpa Chuck, Grandma Fay and Hannah all enjoyed it. She is getting so big. Miss you guys. Good luck on your new home.

  3. OK, omg hi! That video of Ellie just made me the baby-hungry-est I've ever been! She is sooooo cute I can't even stand it!
