A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

When It Rains, It Pours

So a lot has happened since the last posting. 
Here's the break-down, assuming I can remember it all.
(I was so bad about taking pictures. Like, ridiculously bad. Just fyi.)

Will's 29th birthday was a couple weeks ago. I bought him The Hobbit, which we hadn't seen yet. I told him I spent $25 on a present for him (we have this deal where we get to spend the same amount of money on each other for gifts). His thought process went something like this: that's about the cost of a new blu-ray movie... it must be The Hobbit! He's ridiculously good at guessing his gifts. I just shouldn't tell him he got anything. Ever. He requested a Dr Pepper cake, which I made for him. Despite using Dr Pepper, it doesn't really taste like it. It was good though. His other "gift" request was that we would find a group around here to play D&D with. (Nerd.) Anyway, he's almost old now.

2 weeks after Will's birthday is my birthday. And a couple days before that is my brother's birthday. So last Friday we were going to have a family birthday bbq beach party. But it was going to rain, so we moved it to Saturday. Saturday was sunny and windy and cold. I should have taken pictures, but I spent most of the time keeping Malcolm warm. It was so windy, it knocked a glass 9x13 pan filled with cake off of a picnic table. And several people got covered with homemade (accidentally unsweetened) root beer. The kids all had tons of fun playing in the sand and it's always fun to be around family.

Also, my sister-in-law had a baby boy (#3) on April 17. 
Tayson John Rollins.

I stole this picture off facebook, since they live in San Diego. Congrats Whitney and Jeff!

Baby Stuff
Baby stuff is usually best portrayed through pictures.

Somewhere between Will leaving for work and Ellie getting up, Malcolm and I snuggle. Until he gets sweaty, then he moves to Will's side of the bed.

He absolutely adores Ellie. She can do pretty much anything to him and he just smiles and coos at her. Except when she kicked him in the head. And poked him in the eye. She's really not very gentle with him, despite my constant nagging.

Robin's Egg lipstick. I call it: "Why So Serious?"


I don't always dress myself, but when I do it's a black and white spotted shirt, a red tutu, green pants, and purple socks.

Captivated by Elmo.

Ellie drew a sad face. With tears. And unibrow. I sent this picture to Will and we had the following conversation:

Me: Can you guess what this is?
Will: The sloth from Ice Age?
Me: Well, it's a sad face, but it does look like a sloth.
W: Oh definitely a sad face.
Me: With a unibrow.
W: So it's me on a bad eyebrow day?
Me: It would have to be really bad to make you cry like that.
W: Not really. When it comes to my eyebrows, I'm very sensitive.

We've taken to calling him Malito. He's getting so big. I'm sure he's close to 13 pounds and he's in 6 month clothes. We have his 2 month checkup next week. He's really a good baby. He just eats and eats and eats and we haven't figured out his sleeping schedule. But we're working on it.

When people see Ellie, they say: "oh, look at those blue eyes!"
When people see Malcolm, they say: "oh, look at all that hair!"

Malcolm was blessed last Sunday and I feel horrible that I didn't get any pictures, even though I dressed him up so cute. It was sweet, but slightly distracting to have Ellie on my lap talking about random things. It was a really nice blessing and he was very good, despite being awake.

Also, yesterday my sister Lindsay helped throw me a belated baby shower. They had a surprise one planned and then we got the stomach flu and they had to reschedule. It was really sweet and a lot of fun. I just wish I'd taken pictures. It was nice to get to know some the women in our ward a little better, not to mention the good food and presents :) I wasn't expecting a baby shower at all, so it was really sweet.

House Stuff
Currently we are living with my parents. I only expected it to be for a month or two, until our house sold, and then we could buy a new home and be out of their hair.
It's been 6 months.

Just over a month ago my father had a job interview with Save the Children (he's an auditor). It's his dream job. Needless to say, he got it. And they want him to start pretty much immediately. It's very exciting, except that it requires my parents to move to Connecticut, which apparently has a higher cost of living than living here in the D.C. area. So this last weekend their house went up for sale. It's bittersweet. On one hand, my family has lived (on and off) in this area for almost 18 years and we have quite a bit of family around here. On the other, my dad gets a job he loves and cuts his commute down significantly. Anyway, that puts us in an interesting position.

Last Friday we got an offer on our house. After haggling over the price, we gave in and dropped the price down quite a bit. We officially accepted and signed all the paperwork. With an offer on our house and my parents leaving, we got a little more serious about looking for houses. We tried to set up 3 different appointments on Monday, but we only got one. And I totally fell in love with that house. That same day we got an email saying that our buyer had cold feet. She withdrew her offer today. But today we took a big step and put in an offer on the house I loved. And 2 hours ago we got a call saying that they accepted our offer. So we have a house! Well, two houses. Thankfully we can afford two houses right now. Hopefully someone will buy our other house though, because having two houses isn't as fun as it sounds. But it looks like we will be staying in our current ward and we will be living pretty close to Ryan's family and Lindsay's family. We are so excited!! We don't close on it until the beginning of June, but I'm pretty sure the time will pass quickly. *fingers crossed*

Ellie Quotes
Me: Ellie, can you pull your pants up?
Ellie: No, I can't. I'm busy. I'm looking for paw-prints. For all eternity.

Me: Ok, we've watched lots of Ellie shows. Now we're going to watch a Momma show.
Ellie: But I don't like to watch Mythbusters!

While looking for houses:
Momma, we can't buy this house, it's too big!

Malcolm: Goo.
Ellie: Momma! He talked to me! He said, "I love you big sister!"

First thing this morning:
Momma, you stole my melon! The last melon! I will cry! *falls dramatically on the bed*

And finally, I will leave you with this. I found it on a walk and have no idea what it is.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday Will and Mary!!!! Malcolm's hair is amazing! Sorry to hear about the offer on your house here falling through but yeah on falling in love with a house there. Just so you know I had grand plans of throwing you a baby shower here, but you had to go and leave. The conversations you and Ellie have make me laugh, she's a hoot.
