A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April Showers

Spring is here!

I know it is, for sure, because I got my first bug bite of the year yesterday.

So, in celebration, here's a bunch of pictures.

Ellie has been sleeping in a pack 'n play and she's way too big for it. Because my brother is coming home from college in a week and Ellie has been sleeping in his room, we moved her into my sister's room (because my sister is currently serving a mission for our church). We also moved her into a big girl bed. Which is a queen sized bed. It seems a bit excessive for a 2 year old, but she LOVES it (as you can see by all the toys scattered everywhere).

The other day I came to get her up from her nap and found her like this. She loves her new My Little Pony underwear.

Big helper.

This outfit was Will's when he was a baby. I couldn't find it, but yesterday I found it and put it on Malcolm. It's 0-3 months and just about too small. But it looked pretty cute and I needed to get a picture of him wearing it.

We spent a lot of time outside yesterday, since it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside.

Too big for the baby swing

My kids have pretty awesome hair.

Just like Daddy. Although I don't know if he would be brave enough to attempt a climb in rainboots. (Especially Hello Kitty ones)

Yay for flowers!

Malcolm was just hanging around.

It looks like the weather will be pretty awesome again for the next few days, thank goodness. I think we got more snow in March than we did the entire winter.

Yay for spring!

1 comment:

  1. I totally recognized the outfit Malcolm was wearing! lol. Loved it! :))

