A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


So in my last post I said I didn't have any pictures to post.

That was a lie. An unintentional lie.

What I really meant to say was that I might have pictures on my camera, but I didn't feel like finding them and uploading them. But I have fixed that and found more pictures than I thought I had.

So I'll share them.

My nephew Peter turned 4 at the end of December, so we had a little birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. We went fairly early and for a while we were the only ones there.

It was her first time and I think it made her a little crazy.

The birthday boy!

Will especially enjoyed the merry-go-round.

This was where she came down a big slide and informed me that she was "almost 4".

We also went to the D.C. temple to see the lights. It was fun for Ellie to see the temple, since she's big enough now to know a little about it.

Most of our family pictures end up looking something like this. Also, notice my poor jacket, trying so hard to contain the belly.

She insisted on trying to touch ALL the lights.

And we've had fun playing with cousins.

She loves him so much.

And other family members...

Is there anything weird about this picture? Look closer.

I didn't even know he was there until Will told me. That's my big brother, waiting for my little brother. Weirdos.

And of course there's some silly pictures of Ellie.

So there you have it. Apparently I have to do better about keeping up with my photos, otherwise my posts are just boring words. Pictures are better. Especially Ellie pictures.

And last, but not least, here is a picture of all the baby boy clothes I have accumulated. Most of it was handed down from family. We're pretty much covered for the first 6 months. 

I have a pretty awesome family. :D

Today baby boy flipped head down, so we'll see how the sciatica goes from here. We're also slowly getting closer to deciding a name. I have a strange feeling February will be here before I know it...

1 comment:

  1. Ellie is such a beautiful little girl! I'm curious to know what name you and Will finally decide on...something with the initials XYZ right?
