A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Obligatory Update

So it's a new year.

It feels kind of like the old year, only... newer?

And wetter. And sometimes colder.

We're still here. For some reason I had it in my head that we would only be here a month or two, since someone would definitely buy our awesome house and we would be moving into our new house by now. And because I thought this, when I packed, I packed for a month or two. Actually I distinctly remember debating whether or not to pack Christmas things in our suitcases. I decided to, just to be safe. Good thing, because Christmas is several weeks past and we're still in pretty much the same state we were before. Actually we're in a little more complicated position than I originally thought.

See, I packed one suitcase of clothes for me and Will, and a small one for Ellie. We then filled up our car with boxes of food and cleaning supplies that couldn't get put in storage, diaper, toys and other Ellie things, and a power washer that we borrowed from my parents. We didn't even have room for my plants. I only got to keep one. Everything else has been in storage. That's fine though, because it would only be in storage for a little while, right?

What I didn't take into consideration is that I'm having a baby next month. We brought zero baby things. About a month ago I realized this and started freaking out, just a little bit. Our baby swing, car seat, clothes, everything is in storage. Thankfully I have family around and we've managed to gather a few important things, like a crib, bathtub and swing. And I've managed to find an awesome thrift store where I grabbed a whole bag of baby clothes for $12. AND I just received a very full box of adorable baby boy clothes from my awesome sister-in-law Lisa. So I calmed down a little. Until I realized that all my nursing stuff is packed. I managed to breathe my way through that, it's pretty easy to get most of that, and I needed a new pump anyway.

And then I realized that I only have maternity clothes. And 60% of the ones I brought don't fit me anymore. That's caused a little more panic.

We've talked it through and decided that it would be cheaper to buy new things than to have our stuff pulled out of storage and/or rummaged through by someone else to find what we needed. Just a couple hundred bucks for baby stuff that we already have in storage. Blech.

But what can you do? Not much. Our house is getting a lot of showings and people love it, but they just really hate the driveway. They should have seen it before we paid a fortune to fix it. So we're stuck here until someone buys the house or until we save up enough money for a down payment on a new house. Not what I had planned, but things could definitely be worse. Every night I am so thankful that I have parents who don't mind free-loaders and that I have so much family around to help me with baby things. It's terrifying to think about bringing my baby home to someone else's house, but if I had to pick a place to do it, this would be it.

(Here's a link to our house. We don't have any control over the post, which is annoying. Also, this is before we put in the expensive driveway. Also, looking at the pictures makes me miss my stuff.)

So that's our general update. I'm currently 33 weeks and baby boy is still breech. It feels like he's breaking my ribs sometimes, but I know that once he flips around, my sciatic nerve will crap out on me and I won't be able to walk. So I'll take the whole painful rib thing. Also, I can't eat chocolate anymore. It gives me heartburn. Like really, really bad heartburn. Like, my esophagus is being digested bad. Only 7-ish weeks left. I'm also very close to being done with this ridiculous class. Which is good because I only have 7-ish weeks to get it done.

Will is working. Or reading, because he doesn't have a whole lot of work at this point. So he commutes to work to spend 8 hours reading books on his phone and then comes home. Unless he has work, then he only spends 7 hours reading. He's been very good about coming home and distracting Ellie so I can have a break.

Ellie... is Ellie. She's hilarious and learns something new every day. She's also gotten knocked out of her sleeping routine some how, so she's been out of sorts lately, and we're both tired from her getting up in the middle of the night. Last night she got up at 4:30 and was crying because she had a dream that there were bugs in her hair. Then I got her to go back to sleep. Then she got up at 5:30 and cried. When Will asked her why she was crying, she just said, "I don't know!" and kept crying. Poor thing. She asks about her stuff a lot; the stuff that's in storage. She also keeps asking when her baby brother is coming home :)

So I don't have a whole lot else to say. I don't think I even have any cute pictures. But this is our update, since we haven't had one in a while. Ta-da!

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