A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So this last weekend my nephew, Caleb, turned 8. 
So we had a party. Actually we had 2. Well, I teach his class at church, so we kind of had 3. And if you count his baptism, it could be considered 4.

The first one was at Chuck E. Cheese.

Lately Ellie has been back into wearing tutus. And snow boots.

The birthday boy and his little brother, Peter.

He got a jackpot. He actually got 2 or 3.

They actually did pretty good for being short people.

This one is definitely my favorite.

Ashlynne got stuck, so her mom had to go up and rescue her :)

While we were watching the little ones, the boys were off being manly.

Apparently it was fascinating.

Dad and Jenny. Dad was on Beginner and Jenny was on Expert. Jenny won.

Then Will whooped Jenny. Ellie was showing off some crazy dancing skills.

Then later we had cake and ice cream and all that fun stuff.

Mom decorated, only using balloons and static electricity. And her hair.

The balloons didn't stay up for long though.

While other people were eating or playing or talking, Caleb was hiding with his latest Harry Potter book that he got as a present.

They love to jump off the stairs together.

This is my baby sister, who is going to be a missionary for our church for 18 months in Anaheim, California, speaking Spanish. Tomorrow she goes into the MTC (Missionary Training Center) in Utah for 2 weeks (only 2 weeks!) to learn some (more) Spanish and teaching skills and get sent on her way.

I wanted to get some pictures from Caleb's baptism, but there were TONS of people there and it was kind of hectic, so I don't think anybody really got any. But it was pretty cool. I'm glad we got to be around for such cool family stuff.