A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So, February is pretty cool. 
And I don't mean that as a pun, because it's actually like 50 degrees outside right now. And sunny.

But some fun things happen in February, such as:

On Monday Ellie turned 2 1/2!

Wearing my pajama pants.

Honestly, it blows my mind how fast she's growing. I took her in for a checkup and she was in the 95th percentile for height and the 60th for weight. She's getting so tall, I'm having a hard time finding toddler shirts that have sleeves long enough for her. Currently we're in the 4T range, but even some of those are getting small. But she's so stinking skinny that her little pants fall right off her. It probably doesn't help that she only wears diapers when she sleeps. A lot of toddler pants are made for diaper bums, not skinny little non-diaper bums.

Big girl braid.

She's also talking up a storm and her reasoning skills have almost surpassed mine. She'd get away with a whole lot more if she didn't slip into "why?" mode. That just annoys me to the point of ending the conversation. Example:

Me: Good night Ellie. I love you.
Ellie: Why?
Me: Why what?
Ellie: Why you love me?
Me:... because you're my Ellie!
Ellie: Why?
Me: Because I'm your Momma.
Ellie: Why?
Me: Please stop asking. I just love you, ok?

And that is that. End of conversation. She's also really good at saying "what?" and making me repeat myself 7 million times. Also annoying. Hopefully she grows out of these phases soon.

She also has started asking me multiple times a day if Baby Brother is here yet. It melts my heart, but all I can say is that he's coming soon. She's started to make families out of EVERYTHING. Example:

On that note, we will move on to our next exciting February thing:

Baby boy is due this month!

As of today, I am at 37 weeks, which basically means that baby can come at any time, but I'm not technically due for 3 more weeks. But if I went into labor, they wouldn't try and stop the baby coming and the baby probably wouldn't need any extra care. So that's pretty exciting. I had a checkup this morning and there was a lady who was also 37 weeks crying in the lobby because she was in labor and waiting for her husband and she said she wasn't ready for the baby yet. I am SO ready for this baby to come. Except that we still haven't completely decided on his name yet. But I'm sure that will all work out in the end. I've got my hospital bag all packed and everything ready to go. Just add baby.

That being said, I am waiting on my final exam for my class to arrive, and it probably won't for another week. So it would be nice to have my class completely finished before baby shows up. Cutting it a little close though. And since I was induced with Ellie, I have no idea what labor will be like for this one. I really would hate to be induced again. It was miserable. So miserable that when I read accounts of a normal labor and delivery, I get jealous. So, here's hoping that I go into labor naturally this time, despite that being slightly terrifying. 

I just really want to meet my little boy.

And finally, the last exciting thing about February (for our little family):

Next week is our 4th anniversary!

We won't be able to do anything too exciting, what with me waddling around everywhere, but it will be nice to spend some time together without worrying too much about Ellie. We're trying to get her used to being babysat, since she'll need a lot of that when baby boy comes. So far our plans involve possibly seeing the Hobbit and maybe some Cheesecake Factory. Sound heavenly to me!
I can't honestly believe it's been 4 years, because it seems like we've always been together. Will is my best friend, way beyond any one else I've ever met. But it's more like he's an extension of myself. There's no way I could design a better fit for me. He's perfect. And I'd brag about him a whole lot more if I didn't think people would get sick of it. These have been, hands down, the very best 4 years of my life, even through random hardships and having to move about a million times (slight exaggeration). Life is good. And I am one lucky girl. <3

This is Ellie's drawing of her dad. I thought it was pretty good for a 2 year old. She even included his goatee (whiskers) and him holding baby brother. :)


  1. Man, I look good!


  2. Ellie is such a big girl especially with her big girl braid. Thank you for sharing the different conversations you have with her, they REALLY crack me up. What a wonderful month this will be for you, can't wait for you to have baby boy (one of the many reason is so that you can be more comfortable).
