A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cookies, Candy, and Kitties

So, we're all moved out. 
We had to do the driveway after the movers came, but they managed to get up the driveway just fine. The driveway should be done sometime this week.

We spent the last couple days in West Virginia getting everything ready.

And making more messes.

Ellie spent the time with the movers and packers here rolling down the hill over and over again.

We've been in Virginia for about a week now.

Our timing was perfect, both for Halloween and for hurricane Sandy. I'm glad we weren't trying to get moved out of WV when they're getting hit with snow.

So far we've had some fun Halloween treats and have been to 2 Trunk or Treats (put on by our church, where kids go car to car to get candy.)

My cookies.

Ryan made a lunch lady.


Ashlynne kept eating her candy.

Live action shot.

Cookie monster.

Brook's cookies.

I didn't manage to get pictures of all the cookies, but my camera is pretty crappy anyway. Actually, my camera on my phone is better than my actual camera. But it doesn't work very well inside. Hence the crappy pictures.

Hahaha, Ryan took these pictures. My family is pretty awesome.

Here's Ellie at the first Trunk or Treat with my parents.

In case you can't tell, she's a butterfly.

Here she's in a sack race with Peter. I couldn't get it to work normally for some reason, so it's youtubed. It's pretty cute.


She played some games, but after a while she got tired. I thought she looked like a bug on a windshield.

In the costume parade.

Until Ellie didn't want to walk anymore. She didn't want to walk when we went out to get candy from the cars either.

Then came the hurricane. Will was supposed to start his new job on Monday, but because D.C. pretty much shut down, he started today. So we had a couple days where we were stuck in the house, but we got to hang out, so it was fun.
People came over on Monday and we had pizza. And Will gave Ryan a dollar to fit a whole (rather large) slice of pizza in his mouth.

They take after their daddy. But thankfully they're a whole lot cuter.

They also brought us a little present.

Ryan and Jenni found this little tiny kitten in their yard right in the middle of the storm. It was soaked and very upset. We don't know who it belongs to. Since my mom and dad have a cat, they had everything it needed. So we're taking care of it until we find it a new home.

We think it's male and somewhere between 4 and 6 weeks old. It's a sweetheart and it loves to cuddle and play. Unfortunately Will is allergic to it, or I would so keep it.

If anyone is interested, it's free to a good home. (I'll miss him though.)

We didn't get a whole lot of action during the storm. There was plenty of wind and lots of rain. We all spent Monday night in the basement, just because there are lots of trees around the house. And as you can see in the video, they were swaying pretty good.

 Anyway, it wasn't nearly as bad as it got in some other areas, obviously. Our power didn't even flicker. So we were lucky.

Yesterday we made some Halloween shaped mac & cheese for lunch and my mom made these cute little things.

Mummy dogs!
(They're just hotdogs with crescent roll dough wrapped around them. But they're pretty darn cute.)

Last, but not least, we had another Trunk or Treat last night with Ryan and Jenni.

They all dressed up as a family. We aren't that cute. We just had a butterfly.

At the Trunk or Treat Ellie was being a tired little stinker, so we didn't stay as long as we had planned. She didn't even want to do any games this time.

But we had some yummy cornbread and chili. The girls especially liked the cornbread.

Anyway, that's the last week in a nutshell.

As for a baby update, I'm 23 weeks (not quite 6 months) and I feel huge. This baby makes my back hurt, but hopefully the rain will stop so we can go take walks and move around more. The baby likes Mexican food. And candy.

Our house is currently up for sale and we've had at least one couple come look at it. Hopefully it will sell quickly so we can buy a new house and Will can get away from the cats.

I think that's all our updates. The next few months will be pretty exciting, so expect to hear more stuff about us.

That's all folks.


  1. What a cute butterfly! I think you should've dressed up as an oven. ;)

  2. Are you sure it's the baby and not you that likes Mexican food and candy? :D I'm glad your are enjoying yourself so far in VA. I really like the picture of Ellie throwing the leaves and her big, beautiful, blue eyes are peeking through.
