A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Funny Stuff

So it seems like I've done a lot of posts lately, but I wanted to get some of these down before I forgot them.

These are Ellie things, so if you're sick of Ellie, you don't have to keep reading. 
Or talk to me ever again.

That was "Once there was a snowman" by Ellie Zilch.

Yesterday I told Ellie she was being noisy. She turned to me and said, "Your face is noisy." Slightly taken aback I responded with the clever, "No, your face is noisy." She then said, "Your face is... cute."
Take that! We just had the missionaries over for dinner and she informed one of the missionaries that his face makes noises.

She has taken to pretending that she finds things in my hair. Like grasshoppers or stink bugs. Today she told Will that he had a fish in his hair, but she was nice enough to put it in "water" when she removed it for him. As I put her to bed she told me that I had a missionary in my hair. She then removed it for me. If she ever tells you that you have something in your hair, odds are she's just pretending. Maybe.

I have lots of lists. A week or so ago Ellie asked me if she could have a list too. So I took an old list and told her she could have it. She carried it around for a long time. Finally she forgot about it and I threw it away. Then the other day she asked for it back. I made her a new one and let her put whatever she wanted on it. It included several family members, from both sides of the family, a ball, a tutu, some papers, and Dora and Boots. She is very proud of her list.

Anyway, I wanted to jot those down before I forgot them. And the video is pretty cute.
That's all folks.

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