A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


So today is the last day of June. That's weird. Like, really weird.

So besides our trip that we took at the beginning of the month, this post is pretty much about everything else that has been going on.


Blueberries. I'm getting sick of blueberries.
I seriously have a gallon of blueberries that we've frozen... and those are just the ones we haven't eaten yet. We have three blueberry bushes and we've only picked from two of them, because the other one is further away. Ellie is especially good at picking blueberries. She does not discriminate by color or size.

We've had them frozen, fresh, in muffins, in pancakes, I've even made syrup out of them. The main problem with these blueberries is that they aren't very sweet. That made the muffins a little odd. But Will really liked them, so I made more.

Potty Training

I'll spare you the pictures. Ellie is officially in underwear all day without a problem. We only had one accident this week, and I was in the shower, so it wasn't exactly her fault. She wears a pull-up during naps and at night, but during naps they are usually dry. We might be dropping them at naptime soon. She's very proud to be a big girl, but sometimes she just doesn't want to wear underwear. Understandable.
New Toys

If you've been around Ellie for more than a few minutes at a time, you've probably heard her talk about new toys. When we walk down an aisle at the store and there are bright colored anything, they are new toys. 
This was one of my more brilliant ideas. Masking tape, a cookie sheet and magnetic letters.

It's really helping her learn the alphabet and she LOVES to play with it. Why do we buy toys when kids play with the weirdest things?

Finally we have the biggest thing in Ellie's life since swings, slides and bubbles.

Red-neck water park.

Baby wedgie :)

Anyway, that's what's been up with us. 

Party central.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Ellie! I'm happy that she is doing such an awesome job with potty training. I like your red-neck water park, and so does Ellie by the looks of it.
