A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 4th with a Big Girl

The 4th of July has never been an overdone holiday for me.

During my time overseas I did get to the point that I got very patriotic. I learned all the verses of the patriotic songs in the hymn book and I am proud of my county, even though it is not perfect.

But I've never done a whole lot on the 4th of July. We watch fireworks. Maybe have a bbq. I try to wear red or white or blue. But it's not a huge deal.

This year was no exception. I don't remember what we did in the morning. It's entirely possible we had Chick-fil-a for lunch at the mall. And bought Ellie a bedspread for her new toddler bed.

We did do some fireworks after Ellie's nap.

She refused to let me get a good picture of her.

We set them off in the firepit.

Sparklers. Yes, that is a container protecting her little hand.

While we were outside I noticed our trees

That's a lot of apples! If I had been paying attention I would have pulled some of them down to make room for the other ones to get bigger, but I think they're too big now. And I'm too lazy.

Ellie loves to go look at the baby apples. This apple tree is doing so much better than it did last year. Maybe my pruning was worth it.

Unfortunately our peach tree hasn't done as well. It only has a couple peaches and they don't look so great. Well, I tried. Maybe next year.

In case you can't stop staring at Ellie and thinking about how big she is... yeah, me too. Me too.

Like I said before, we moved her into a big girl bed. I figured it went along with the potty training pretty well.

She picked out her bedspread and she was so excited! She kept carrying the comforter around with her and running back to make sure "new bed" was still there.

She's done a pretty good job of staying in it at night and during naps. Occasionally we find her on the floor, but more often than not she's on the bed in some weird position.

And, as a random side note, here's some funny pictures I took of Ellie.

I walked in and found Ellie wearing several pairs of underwear. I proceeded to watch as she added pair after pair until she was wearing 8 pairs of princess underwear. She was so proud of herself.

Obviously we still need to practice how to put them on properly.

A couple days later I found a similar scene

So that's pretty funny, right? I thought it was hilarious.

And finally this was taken last night during dinner.

She likes smoothies.

Look familiar?

And that concludes today's blog post.


  1. Thanks for giving me a good laugh. I needed it!

  2. That is so cute and funny! =) We're starting potty-training again soon, now that we'll be home for the rest of forever =)

  3. That is so funny! At least Ellie likes wearing underwear, that had to help with the potty-training.
