A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, June 25, 2012

So So Big Helper

Lately Ellie is all about helping and sharing.

It's always Ellie's turn and Ellie needs to help. 
 Unless she can't, then she's good about asking for it.

For instance, she always has to have a turn with the broom.

She is also very good at helping with picking blueberries from our backyard. My favorite part was when she brought me a handful of very small, green blueberries and proudly said, 
"Ellie so, so big helper!"

And she is the only one who knows how to properly use this keyboard.

You got to bang on it with your foot, while sitting on it.

Sitting on things is very important. I almost titled this post "Ellie Sits on Things"

Ellie can't even let you go to the bathroom by yourself without offering to keep you company, providing entertainment and then flushing the toilet for you. She's just that kind.

She is also very talented.

She can make ANYTHING into a swing or a slide.

Shown: swinging on the back of Grandma's couch.

Ellie's rendition of a map (just like the map in Grandma and Grandpa's study that she can't stop talking about)

Her most impressive trick was when we were coming home from our trip to Virginia.

Will packed our car BRILLIANTLY! Stuffed in our car was:
A couple suitcases
Several backpacks
A small dresser
A large rocking lion (like a rocking horse... but a lion)
The easel from the above picture
A box of books
Several bags of toys and books

He even packed it so that Ellie couldn't see the lion, since it's one of her birthday presents.

Ellie's trick was this: on the way home (on the 270) for some reason the car in front of us slammed on its brakes. Will hit the brakes and turned the car off the road so we wouldn't hit the guy in front of us. The large van behind us bumped our spare tire on the back of our car. It was a heavy bump, but nothing was damaged. We were so tightly packed that only one thing shifted in the car (the plastic bag on top) and Ellie, who had been asleep jerked awake when we got bumped... and then proceeded to go immediately back to sleep and to sleep most of the way home.

Best. Trick. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. So scary! I'm glad you guys had a spare tire to save you and that you're all alright. And AWESOME Ellie trick.

    I LOVE the keyboard pic. =) So fantastic. (And I am still jealous of your easel!
