A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

National Zoo

Despite me being disappointed with missing our trip, it's kind of been nice to relax a little bit. We were supposed to go to the zoo in Seattle and I was really excited because Ellie had never been to a zoo. So we planned to go to the National Zoo in D.C. while we were here instead.

It was super hot that day, so we went early. We started at the petting zoo.

Ellie really liked it!

Then we walked into the actual zoo and met up with the Heatons.

This big guy kept pacing back and forth and growling. It sounded like he was saying , "YUM!" and look at all the little kids.

That's an orangutang. On warm days they let them climb up on these towers and they just swing around above your head. It's pretty cool.
Peter especially liked the sections where you could stand under some mist and keep cool (or get soaked).

The Heatons! (and grandpa)

Ellie got out and pushed her baby in the stroller.

Michael Moop ruined the picture.

When I asked Ellie what she wanted to see at the zoo, she told me: "Little Rrr and Heavy Rrr"
Little Bear and Heavy Bear.
We decided this counted as the Heavy Bear. We didn't see a Little Bear, but she didn't mind. This picture is her trying to pick it up and deciding that it was indeed heavy.

It got hot and we were tired, so we left after that. I fell asleep in the car on the way home, but Ellie didn't. Now when I tell her we're going in the car she asks if we are going to see the animals. I'll take that to mean that she had a good time.

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