A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


So remember me saying something about going on vacation? I had it all planned out, to what I thought was the last detail. 

 Phase 1 (June 6)
We were going to drive (4 hours) to my parents' house, drop off some of our stuff and hang out for a bit and give Ellie a nap, then go to the airport.

Phase 2 (June 6-8)
Fly to Utah and get in ridiculously late and stay with Will's best friend and his wife, who are expecting a baby this year. Spend the next day with all our friends that we haven't seen in forever and introduce them to Ellie. I especially wanted to see my friends that are getting married soon or have gotten married since I've last seen them.

Phase 3 (June 8-9)
Fly out to Seattle where my brother was going to get married (the wedding was called off a month or so ago) and hang out with my oldest sister and her family, who I also haven't seen in a long time.
Phase 4 (June 9-16)
Take a horrible red-eye flight back to my parents' in Virginia and then stay with them for a week while will goes to a conference which also happens to be in Virginia.
Phase 5 (June 16)
 Drive the 4 hours back home and crash. 
I spent hours and hours and hours planning this trip and when we completed Phase 1 it finally felt real. We got Ellie a nap and headed to the Dulles airport. We parked our car, grabbed our stuff and took the shuttle to the terminals. When we got off the shuttle, I realized that we forgot the car seat, so Will went back to get it. I was carrying all our bags (remember, they were carry-ons, for three people (including a baby) for three days) and Ellie, who was being horrible. I couldn't find our airline and asked a security guard where it was. They said they had never heard of it. So I went to an information desk and they said that there was no such airline at this airport.

I panicked and called my mom, who got into my email and sure enough we were at the wrong airport (we were supposed to be at Reagan). While I'm trying very hard not to cry, Ellie is screaming in my lap and our stuff is all over the place and I have no idea where Will is. So I call all over the place, after giving Ellie some cookies to make her be quiet, and find out the only way we can change our tickets is to pay several hundreds of dollars. Per ticket. Finally Will showed up, with the car seat and let Ellie run around while I kept trying. 
Eventually I gave up and we started back to my parents' house only to find ourselves in rush hour traffic coming out of D.C. So we stopped for Burger King because it had a place for Ellie to run around.

It was totally my fault and I felt so horrible. I cried a lot. So that is why we did not make it out to Utah or Seattle. Instead we are spending like a week and a half with my parents, who are kind enough to let us crash their party.

Thanks parents!


  1. I'm so sorry, Mary. I know I've said that like 5 times, but after reading this, I'm even more sorry. It really has been fun having you here, but vacation trips are definitely better - especially when so much planning and people are involved. Sorry again.

    Though just think: you and Will were in town to help me out of my empty tank predicament. =) All that inconvenience just for me. You must like me a lot.

  2. Oh Mary!!! Traveling with babies is so hard!! That's why we gave up on that trip. I only take my kids through airports if I absolutely positively HAVE to, haha. And it was gonna cost us hundreds to change ours too, so we gave up on it altogether. So sad, sorry Mary!!!! I bet the parentals love seeing you a bit longer.

  3. We were so sad you guys couldn't make it. Hopefully things will work out better next time!
