A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life

Is it just me or does life seem exceptionally wonderful in the springtime?

Can you believe how big Ellie is getting?
I can't believe it myself.

Wearing my heels. She actually walked around in them for a while. I know some adults that can't do that.

She's gotten so big that we've started potty training.
Well, we're trying. 

This is our approach. Minus the Daddy socks.
It's only been a week, but so far saying it's 50/50 would be optimistic.
She doesn't like her potty. She'd rather pee anywhere else.
So to keep her on the potty, I've started having her sit on it and count to ten. Then she gets an M&M.
If she actually uses the potty she gets pink M&Ms.

I swear, this baby just gets sillier every day.

On a mostly unrelated note, Mother's Day was wonderful.
Will and Ellie took good care of me. I spent the afternoon watching The King and I, which Will got for me, while Will did the dishes and made me lunch. I also got a carpet cleaner, but that was mostly because of Ellie's "accidents". I said it could count for Mother's Day.

I got to talk to my Momma and my mother-in-law and wish them a happy Mother's Day too. I'm so lucky to have such good women to be examples for me.

And Ellie... Ellie took a good nap. And she actually let me do her hair for church.

So yes, potty training is a pain. No, we haven't heard anything about the new job. Yes, allergy season has kicked in.

But life is wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Caleb used to be good at tromping around in my heels, but hasn't tried for a few years. Something about it being "uncool"... Peter, on the other hand (or, should I say "on Foot or Other Foot") is great in my heels. I can't vouch for Brook (maybe if I offer him a dollar he'll try for me?), but I'm terrible in them. Love you, Mar. Glad you had a good Mom's Day!
