A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Is it summer yet?

Good thing my flowers are so beautiful through my window, because the other day it was just too hot to go outside. My thermometer on the porch said 95 in the shade. And it was ridiculously humid. 
Did I really have my heat on not that long ago?

So since we've been spending more time inside, I've been working on a new project for the little Miss Ellie.

Because we don't get to see a lot of family (especially on the Zilch side), I've made little magnets so Ellie can learn all her family members. So far, mostly they've just ended up getting pushed under the fridge or having the magnets pulled off. A couple have gone missing since I put them up, and I haven't managed to get pictures of everyone yet, but I'm working on it. I have managed to get all the cousins. Aunts and uncles are a work in progress.

The ones from my side of the family are cut out from a calendar from last year (which puts the pictures a couple years old). The ones from Will's side I had to print out and "laminate" in ziploc bags. (They need protection from a nasty baby who constantly has slimy fingers.)

Ellie LOVES them. Even if she shoves them under the fridge or the stove. Every half an hour or so she'll bring me a handful and she knows almost all the names now. She learns quickly.

While I'm bragging about how smart she is, I'll quick say that she has learned to count to five.

Anyway, that's some of what I've been doing lately.

Now we just need to figure out how this summer is going to run and we'll be all set...

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Mary!!! I might need to male some family magnets!!
