A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Weekend

Several weeks ago it was Will's birthday. About a week and a half after that, it was my brother's birthday. A few days after that, it was my birthday. This week, it's my nephew's birthday. Next week is my other brother's birthday and my sister-in-law's birthday.

That's a lot of birthdays.

Unfortunately we don't all live close to each other. This last week we drove down to Virginia (again) to celebrate the ones we could. We already did Will's birthday, so we celebrated Ryan turning 27, me turning 24, and Jenni turning 25. My little brother and sister came home for the summer, so they got to celebrate with us, along with my parents and my sister and her family.


I doubt there will be this much of my family together again until my little brother gets married in June.

We started the weekend by a fun afternoon at the park and then a delicious meal.

Brook and Mikey playing football.

Lindsay tackling her boys. There was a good part where she was sitting on Caleb, but I guess I didn't take a picture.

Baby Ethan! (This is the baby that was almost born in West Virginia.) He's 2 months old and chunky!

Caleb. He posed for this picture.

Peter dodging Ellie and Will. Ellie and Ashlynne learned how to slide all by themselves! (over and over again)

Ashlynne and Jenni.


 Beautiful Ashlynne.

Big girl.

Probably my next favorite part was Michael's haircut. He had a really creepy afro going on until Mama cut it for him. Like, Napoleon Dynamite creepy.

We had a couple good games of Zombie Munckins, but I didn't get pictures of those either. I kind of failed getting pictures most of the time and the ones I did get aren't awesome. I think my camera was on a weird setting.

On Sunday we had the actual party.

See what I mean about bad pictures? But that's everybody, except Jenni, Ethan and Ellie. And me, I guess.

Yay for cake! They were both delicious.

Even Peter thought so.

Just like Uncle Will.

Ash and Ryan

Family is awesome!

It's too bad we couldn't celebrate Kyler and Jeff's birthdays too, but we'll see them and the Quigleys soon!

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