A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Boring Stuff

The boring stuff is about our house. Just some of the random stuff I've been up to.

This is our master bathroom, also known as the world's smallest bathroom. It was this horrible color when we moved in. If there's one thing I learned while watching HGTV, it's that small rooms shouldn't be painted dark colors. Especially not a nasty brownish pinkish orange. (The picture really doesn't do it justice.)

This is the color I painted it. Like I said, not really exciting, but it makes me happy.

I also repainted our whole bedroom. There isn't a before shot, but the room was white with no decorations at all. Normally I wouldn't worry about it, but since we will hopefully be showing the house soon, I thought I'd spruce it up.

Yes, that's spruced up. Don't judge me.

And then I've done some work in Ellie's room too.

I finished the wall. I added a little pond.

And I added a tree. It's a beobab tree. If you don't know what a beobab tree is, then it probably doesn't matter to you. But it is, in fact, a beobab tree.

And now, since you've made it this far, you get the reward of seeing cute Ellie pictures.

We made a bed out of a cardboard box. She loves pretending to go to sleep.

Then we made the box into a fort. We colored it and put stickers on it. She loves it.

Sometimes we drink our yogurt.

And we don't mind a little mess.

I thought Ellie would be a little bit older before she started wearing my clothes.

I love this baby!!


  1. The master bath looks so much better!!! Ellie is so beautiful! From this post I can tell that she will love the gift that I got for her, I should probably bring it by soon so I can see her enjoy it before you move.

  2. Good job!!! The people who get your house will be lucky people indeed. You did so much work to it!

  3. When you get ready to show your house let me know I might be able to help with a couple of things that can be used for night stands in your bedroom. I don't think that the suitcases will show well. LOL. I love Ellies room and acourse I LOVE Miss Ellie.

  4. Mary, I adore all of your posts.. you are such a brilliant writer and surrounded by so many special people! Thank you for keeping up this blog - I am an avid reader of your posts! Ellie is so, so cute, not that I haven't said all of these things a million times before..
