A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Baby *Updated*

This one:

She's been up to some pretty crazy things lately. 

Yesterday Ellie was helping Daddy get ready for work and she ran over to our bed and started counting the stripes on our comforter
"One... Two... Three... Two!"
We're still working on that.

She also can name every letter of the alphabet, except H and W. H is just hard to say. And W is currently M with a head shake (meaning: not M).

She surprised me the other day by running over to Lester (my car) when we were outside and saying
"B... U... I... C... K!"

Last night she listed off some letters during dinner and I didn't know what she was talking about. 
"K... U... N!" 
I realized that she was reading NUK off of her sippy cup, but it was upside down.

She's also gotten into the habit of hitting me so that she gets put in timeout. Timeout is in her crib, no toys, lights off, no music. This morning she smacked me across the face, smiled, said sorry, gave me a hug and asked for night-night (her bed). So she's currently in timeout and it sounds like she's having fun in there. Obviously I need to figure out a different form of punishment.

It's a good thing she's so stinking cute.


I had to add this portion because of some silly things that I have either remembered or have recently experienced that might just bring a smile to whoever reads this.

Yesterday I got out of the shower to hear what I thought was a strange noise. (I leave Ellie to watch a "baby show" (Super Why) while I shower.) I came out to find Ellie grooving out in her diaper (she had removed her pants) to the radio, which she turned on.
The song: All the Single Ladies by Beyonce.
When I laughed at her, she turned around and appeared to be very embarrassed. I told her it wouldn't be the last time I caught her dancing around in her underwear when she thought no one was watching.

Lately Ellie has been doing just about anything to stall before bedtime. If you mention naps or bedtime, she will try and manipulate you into reading her stories, giving her snacks, taking her outside, pretty much anything she can think of. The latest trick is to look at me with those big blue eyes and beg for a hug right after I lay her down. Of course I can't resist, so I pick her up and give her a hug. She says "nigh-nigh" and I put her back down, tuck her in and then she asks for another hug.
A few minutes ago I put her down and she asked for another hug. I said, "No, no more hugs. All done." That poor baby stuck out her lower lip, blinked those big eyes at me and said, "Mo ha-oo peese?" (Translation: More hug please?)
Mama heart = broken
Needless to say, she got another hug.

The other day Ellie was in her crib with an old remote with no batteries in it. I walked past her room and heard the following conversation:
"Hello Daddy! La Lu! (Love you!) Go? *babbling* Baby? So, so, so sorry."
I'm not sure what she was sorry about, but it was pretty cute.


  1. Too smart that one!! And wicked cute of course. I miss her!!

  2. That's so awesome that she knows all her letters! I'm making some sweet carpet squares to teach letters and numbers. Ashlynne likes letters but hasn't been very interested in learning how to differentiate with them. She really only knows "O".

    I LOVE all your cute Ellie stories! I know you are probably stressed right now, with house prep and everything, but I am so excited for you to live closer. It will be like a non-stop party!
