A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Birthday and Easter

We were lucky enough this Easter to have Ma and Pa (Grandma and Grandpa Rollins) come and visit us.  Ellie was so excited they were coming. She spent all of Saturday morning pretending to talk with Pa and Ma on the phone.

Pumba came too.

He loves Easter, can you tell?

After they managed to get up our driveway (which was a feat) we had fun just talking and being lazy. After Ellie went to bed, we celebrated Will's birthday.

The big 28.

I don't know why I didn't try to take a better picture. On without my Dad's finger in it.

It's a zombie cake! I took the figurines from the zombie game and set them up in a cookie graveyard.

Two-ax Willy fighting off the zombies.

Unfortunately Father Joseph died. (He's pretty much useless in the game. He can't use a gun and he always dies.)

For his birthday Will got a new RC helicopter, a Zombie Munchkin game, and Ironman on bluray and a Best Buy giftcard from my parents. Looks like he'll be getting those new computer speakers after all. He's been asking me about his presents for like a month now, so I'm glad I don't have to worry about not letting anything slip anymore. He's RIDICULOUSLY good about guessing presents.

The next day was Will's real birthday, but it was also Easter.

I had to get to church early for choir practice (I'm the pianist) and then I spent all of church running around like crazy. 

Ellie wore a beautiful new dress that Grandma got her. She's so spoiled.

While I was making dinner and hiding Easter eggs in the living room, Ellie was playing outside with Grandpa.

Playing in the dirt and rocks. She loves to play in those rocks. They end up in her diaper more often than not.

She found the eggs in the living room. She kept saying "more" after she would find one. It wasn't all that exciting, but she's just little, so it's ok. She got her Easter basket after church, since I needed it to teach my Primary class.

Good shot of the dress.

Easter basket goodies.

After Ellie went down for a nap and we ate a pretty pathetic Easter dinner, the parentals had to get back home. It's a long drive. Ellie was sad to wake up and find them gone, but I promised her we'd be out to visit soon.

Now we just need to get Ellie out to see the rest of the family so that she can get excited about a whole bunch of people instead of  just the ones that live close by. We'll have to be better about that.

Hope every one else had a Happy Easter!


  1. Happy birthday Will!! I absolutely adore the cake!! You are such a good wife Mary!! And of course my heart skipped a beat when I saw my Ellie in her adorable dress. Miss you guys tons and tons.

  2. It was nice to be able to meet your parents Mary. You did a great job on Will's zombie cake and Ellie looked like a little princess on Sunday in her Easter dress!!!

  3. That cake is definitely WILL. And I laughed at your Fahder Joseph comment. Ellie's so sweet... your parents spoil the little girls a LOT. We're so lucky.

    And you are such a good wife with all those cool things for Will. I wish I sometimes knew what Ryan wanted... he seems so content all the time!

    And LOVE the picture of Pumba.
