A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So between getting our house ready to sell and my new random obsession with pinterest, I've been neglecting the blog. For all three of you that read it, I apologize.

Here's a catch-up of what's been going on:


We are LOVING this warm weather. Ellie and I go outside everyday and I like watching my plants grow.

Not to mention the flowers.

I love daffodils. It's almost impossible to look at daffodils and not feel happy.

I'm not sure what these are called, but they smell amazing and they come in all different colors.

Collecting dandelions.

Sticks and stones.

I LOVE this picture. Too bad it's a little out of focus.

So this is our spring. I had no idea any of these flowers were growing here. We've also got one red tulip that randomly popped up in the backyard. And I've planted a couple rose bushes and some other flowers to liven things up some.

I'm going to miss this little house.


  1. Your yard is beautiful - I love all the variety =). I'm sorry you're going to miss your place... It is REALLY nice. I would miss it, too. We are excited for you to come out here, though. It'll be nice to be able to hang out with you and Ellie. (And hopefully you live closer to here than further).

    As for apologizing for lack of blog updates: have you noticed that I am the worst offender? No worries =)

  2. mary!!! i miss you!!! my favorite is the giant yellow bush that looks like it's on fire in your yard. amazing! i'm excited to hear more about your new move. sad all of ellie's animal paintings can't come with you! can't wait to see you in june.

  3. I will miss you living in your little house.

  4. They're called hyacinths. And the flowering tree is a magnolia. Just FYI.
