A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I didn't realize how much I wanted it to be spring/summer until yesterday, when it was 70 degrees outside and sunny. Ellie and I spent most of the day outside, doing gardening stuff.

I asked her to smile and she made this face.

In the pocket.
All done.
That was in the morning. After my workout Ellie was helping me stretch (I had the radio on) and she started dancing.

While I was digging up tree roots, planting some grapes and repotting all my plants, Ellie was playing with rocks and my pitcher I was using to water the plants. Suddenly she started screaming and when I looked she had dumped the half full pitcher (with several handfuls of rocks in it) onto her lap and was covered with water and little rocks. She was crying and kept saying "Dirty!!"

So I stripped her down and put her in the bathtub. She was filthy from playing in the dirt.

Hopefully today will be as nice (although it's supposed to rain). Yay for spring!


  1. I'm glad you were finally able to get your grapes planted and off your kitchen table. I'm so glad spring is here, hopefully it stays spring-like.

  2. Hehe, "shake it", Ellie! I'm glad you got to garden. The weather's been AMAZING lately. =)

  3. oh my word. i had jeff and cody come watch ellie dance (kyler was napping). she is soooo wicked cute. but you already knew i thought that. love you girl and miss you guys! i feel like we are too far apart and i don't get to see you guys nearly enough. miss you like crazy.
