A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Just For Fun

Here's some stuff Ellie's been up to lately, just for fun.

This is the camera smile.

You can see the bottom molars peeking out there.

Why buy hair gel when you can just use honey?  She was asking for honey, so I gave her like a drop to dip her chicken nuggets in. Little did I know how much a drop of honey can spread...

Fashionista baby! I can't believe what a girly girl Ellie is. I'm considering buying her a little purse because I'm sure she will love it. She also tried to wear my heels yesterday.

Another smile.

She fed herself the entire yogurt, without any help. Can you tell?
(I think she looks a lot like her cousin Grace in this picture, especially around the eyes.)

She also surprised me the other day by bringing me some letter magnets and correctly naming the
O, E, M, B, U, Y, and C
I had no idea she knew that.

We were also reading a book about colors and she correctly pointed out every single color. I didn't know she knew that either.

Last week I was squatting down on the floor so I could paint in her room and she came up behind me and pulled out the back of my pants (which is what we do when we check her diaper). She then said, "Whoo-wee, poop." I told her I did not, in fact, have poop in my pants and she gave me a serious look and said, "Stinky."

The other day she was sitting in her high chair with her hand up to her ear and she kept saying "Love you! Love you!" I was like, "Aw, thanks baby. I love you too!" She just looked at me and said, "No. Daddy? Hello! Love you!" She was pretending to talk to her dad on the phone. 

Not very long after the last incident I handed her a bowl of applesauce and she said, "Potty." I said, "Do you need to go potty?" She shook her head and pointed down the hallway and said, "No. Momma potty." It's been a long time since someone told me to go potty.

This morning I was doing dishes when I heard her yell, "Help!" I told her to come see me, knowing if it was a real emergency she would have cried. A little bit later I heard, "Help!" in the hallway. I went to check on her and she had tried to put on a pair of shorts over her pants. She'd gotten both legs in one pant leg and was trying to shuffle down the hallway because I told her to come see me.

She's getting tall and her hair is growing like crazy. She's starting to try dressing up and she's constantly asking me to paint her toenails and give her chapstick. Sometimes she even asks me to do her hair. I don't know how I got such a girly girl, but I'm trying to embrace my inner little girl and have fun with her. Including painting our toenails and matching bright pink. One step at a time...


  1. This post was awesome and hilarious =) We miss you guys! Still hoping you are coming up this next weekend, even if your parents aren't going to be here. I LOVE this post.

  2. Now you just need a matching pink tutu. (I'll pay you a dollar to make one and wear it to church!)And, it sounds like you might need to enter Ellie in a potato sack race. :) Love ya! Sorry we didn't see you much. It's time to reschedule our visit out there.
