A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, November 7, 2011

They just grow up too fast...

It took me a while to admit to myself that Ellie was a toddler. When she started to take steps, I said she couldn't be a toddler until she was a year old. When she turned a year old, I said she couldn't be a toddler until she was really walking. When she started really walking... I finally had to admit it. But she's still my baby.

So today was a kick in the gut when I, on a whim, measured and weighed Ellie, only to discover that she was too tall and too heavy for her current car seat. Good thing I had just bought her a new one.
So this post is about how big Ellie has gotten.

She recognizes and can point to all her body-parts. And she knows a good portion of them in Spanish.

She can make the noises for the following animals:
bumble bee
(dog, fish and tractor all make the same noise)

She loves to wear her jacket and her tutu, and she still loves playing outside.

Her favorite food is pancakes. She can eat 5 or 6 adult sized ones in one sitting.

She waves and blows kisses and loves to snuggle everything. In fact, the other day she tried to snuggle the gravel driveway. Really, she actually wanted to snuggle it. But we learned the hard way that is not a good idea.

Poor nasty baby.

She is always busy, running around like crazy and she has just started trying to climb on things.

She has also discovered that she loves her stuffed animals and blankets. She didn't show much interest before, but now she snuggles them and carries them around with her.

So that's an update on Ellie. In just a few more months she'll be in nursery. She hasn't really said any words yet, but she tried to say "Daddy" yesterday.
(Daddy is #1, Mommy is somewhere toward the bottom of the list)

The point is, she's huge. And she just gets more beautiful everyday.


  1. SO so sweet. She really is getting big! Our little one will need a new carseat in about a week probably... we're hoping for more like a month so it can be a Christmas present. Such sweet and cute pictures. I'm working on getting mine updated. I promise =)
