A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside!

Last Saturday Will and I woke up to this:

in case you're wondering, no it's not your computer screen
the camera lens had a little tiny finger-print on it, so part of the picture is smudged
I noticed and cleaned the smudge half-way through our adventure. It's really annoying.

we didn't know how long it would last, so we bundled up Ellie and took her outside for some fun

she was very concerned by all the white stuff on the ground, especially when Will started throwing it at her

she really didn't want to touch it though
instead, she'd stand there and point to it and say "uh?" over and over again

yes, she has socks on her hands

finally Will let her loose in the middle of it

where she promptly fell down

oddly enough, it was only after that she decided she was having fun

I got excited because, for the first time in my experience, the snowflakes ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE SNOWFLAKES!

then Ellie showed us she was done by sitting down and pulling off her sock-gloves

we took advantage of her sockless hands to try and get her to actually touch the snow

and then she threw her first snowball

"my work here is done"

then we concluded with a snow-tasting

she wasn't quite sure what to think

(I LOVE this picture, by the way)

After that we went out and bought her a snowsuit and some hats and mittens

the snowsuit looks like a giant pink puffball (I didn't get a picture yet)

and she only liked the hats sometimes

but now we're ready, so bring on more snow!


  1. So cute. We got a nice snowsuit at a garage sale. It'll be fun when we actually get to use it. And I agree - the snow-eating picture is cute. Ashlynne makes that face all the time. =)

  2. I love that you used socks for her snow mittens and I can't wait to see her in her snow suit. As always, the pictures of Ellie are adorable.
