A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

This year for Halloween we didn't do much, although it was more than we did last year.

We didn't carve pumpkins, because I kept putting off buying them and finally I couldn't find any.

We haven't (so far) handed out any candy to trick or treaters because we live in the middle of nowhere.

We didn't dress up (except for Ellie).

Pretty much we're lame.

But Ellie and I did go to our ward trunk-r-treat (Will was in class).

cutest. pirate. ever. 
the pained look is for having to wear the hat.
there was an epic battle to keep it on long enough for me to take a picture

we headed for the trunk-r-treat

when we got there she was in such shock from all the commotion that she left the hat on for a whole 10 minutes.
we spent most of our time playing games with Hannah.

she was especially good at putting bean bags in plastic pumpkins, and even applauded other kids when they managed to do it

getting plastic rings over soda cans took a little longer, but she got the hang of it

I brought candy for handing out to the kids, but unfortunately it was way past Ellie's bedtime and we had to leave before it started. So we ended up with a TON of candy.

She was going to go trick-or-treating tonight, but a certain silly pirate did not take a nap today (I blame the molars), so we didn't.

Instead, she went to bed early and Will and I are going through our TON of candy and watching the classic Ernest Scared Stupid.

It might be lame, but we're enjoying it.

So Happy Halloween to you all, and to all a good night.


  1. Ellie is definitely the cutest pirate I've ever seen! Too bad you weren't able to make it over for trick or treating. We only had 19 kids stop by, yes I did count them all.

  2. P.S. I love the new picture of you and Will and Ellie!

  3. VERY cute pirate costume! Did you make it or buy it? And I made the mistake a couple years ago of not buying pumpkins early enough. So disappointing.

  4. ellie was a pirate too? this i did not know!!! she's the cutest pirate i've ever seen!!!
