A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Well, I finally got used to it being October, and now it's mostly gone.

It hasn't been the most exciting month, but it's been a good one. I think every season is my favorite, until I get sick of it and move on to the next one. But I'm not sick of Fall yet. In fact, here are some of my favorite things about Fall:

Pumpkin apple bread, which is almost gone. Next time I will remember that using pumpkin pie filling instead of plain pumpkin adds sugar. I found the bread a little sweet, but Ellie and Will have been inhaling it, so it must be alright.

Candy corn and I are good friends. Not so much the chocolate ones, or even the pumpkin ones; I prefer the original. But I have been candy corn free for 2 days and I think it's taking it's toll. Must. Eat. More. Candy corn!

Pumpkin spice candle. Oh yeah. I've used almost half of it in just a couple of weeks because it smells so good. 

And of course all the leaves changing. I wish I had a video of our drive home down our long back road. The leaves are absolutely breathtaking.  Seriously. Ellie is especially fond of the leaves.

She would pick up every leaf in the yard if I let her. Well, actually that would be difficult because I throw them behind me after she gives them to me. I've learned not to let her keep them or they interfere with all sorts of things, from food to naps. And yes, she is wearing a tutu. Like her jacket, it has become a necessary part of her everyday wardrobe... except when I manage to hide it.

It's also been warm enough for us to still have wildflowers blooming. Ellie loves picking those almost as much as she loves picking up dead leaves.

She's really good at spotting the little ones.

The temperature alternates between being in the 40s for a couple days (like today) and being in the 70s (which is perfect weather). Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's sunny. It's pretty much all the best things rolled into one month. We might even get a little snow flurry before November starts. I bet Ellie would really like that.


  1. my baby! she is sooo cute!! especially in her tutu! and i adore spice candles too. annddd i am soo happy it's fall and the nasty, sticky summer is over. i too love candy corn. i even had a candy corn cupcake about two weeks ago, the cake was layered white, orange, and yellow :) i love you to pieces.


  2. I am so excited about the weather right now. No humidity!
