A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Last night I had the hiccups pretty bad and I couldn't get them to go away. Will took it upon himself to scare them out of me. 

Here's what he came up with:

-going rappelling
-imagining Ellie as a teenager
-working at a soggy bread factory (soggy bread makes me gag)
-there being a recall on all candy corn... and pepsi
-a spider on my leg
-my exes coming to visit
-ALL Ellie's teeth coming in at once and giving her diaper rash
-driving the Jeep

None of them worked, but I thought it was pretty hilarious.

P.S. He finally told me how to get them to stop and I'll share it with you:
Step #1: take a deep breath expanding your diaphragm (pretend you're breathing through your belly-button)
Step #2: Relax while holding said breath
Step #3: Let air out slowly
Step #4: Repeat as needed. (Usually not necessary)


  1. awesome will. most of those would terrify me too. the ONLY thing i've found to cure my hiccups, yes, i've even done the hold your breath thing as mentioned above, is eating a teaspoon of sugar. i think it's nasty, but it works EVERY SINGLE TIME. and nothing else works for me. i think it's because my body needs lots of sugar to work properly, so it just makes sense. ha!
