A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween cookies

So a couple weekends ago we drove out to see (most of) my family in VA.
It was really nice. We got to go to the temple, play a pretty intense zombie game and hang out with the fam.

Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera. I did manage to get a few pictures on Will's phone, but he has it at work, and they're probably pretty crappy anyway.

So I've stolen some pictures from my sister-in-law's blog. I do that a lot.

We had an unfortunate incident with some sparkly black frosting and unsupervised children. That is mostly why Caleb is not wearing his (white) shirt.

candy gobblers!

And a very guilty picture of me sneaking candy corn

she's pretty much adorable

and the kids are too, I guess. Peter-butter kept saying: "I don't like candy!" Then he'd lick the knives used for the frosting.

very serious job

that's a marine face

baby Ashlynne!

I did the ghost. Will did the turkey, which, apparently, pecked at the eye of the cat, causing a significant loss of blood. Will doesn't like cats.

Brook was especially creative, making a pirate pumpkin, a jellyfish, and stonehenge. I officially retract my statement that his pumpkin was cliche.

And the most awesome of all: my pirate bat. Complete with fangs, scar and peg-leg.

We were all pretty sugared out by the end, but it was tons of fun!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun family activity and some very creative cookie decorations!
