A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Walking on Sunshine

It's been pretty rainy for the last couple of weeks. That's hard on a toddler who loves to play outside.

When it does stop raining, we head out into the back yard for some exotic wildlife...

our view out the back door
right off the deck

eating my pears
in the very back of our neighbor's property I saw this: in total 9 deer, including a 6-point buck and 2 fawns
this nasty guy had made a cool web between 2 bushes
blech! But I don't know if he's nastier than this one...
don't worry, Will killed both of them for me
in our little pond (which we will be removing soon) there are 2 little frogs and a big bullfrog. One of the little frogs was living in Ellie's baby pool in front. I relocated him.
this is the big guy, Charles (I know I shouldn't name them, but we're friends!)

And then there's whatever makes these holes. I know there are groundhogs in the area, but these seem too small for those. It's rather disconcerting to be walking along and then feel the ground start to give way under your feet because something has been tunneling.
They are especially prominent under the pear tree, but they've also popped up under the paving stones in the front yard. I don't like them.

This is a secret window under the front door. If you are in the basement and look out of this window at just the right time, all you see are fireflies. It's like being in fairyland.

As we walk around the outside of the house, we have to make a few stops.
We have to walk around the back, hitting plants all the way.
Then we head on up the hill and check out the view.
Then we head over to the pond and look for frogs. If they are around, they jump into the water and scare me. Ellie likes that part.
Then we head over to the pear tree.
they are starting to get ripe, and if Daddy is around then we taste one
Then we walk around the front
And every time I think about how I need to cut these plants back...
Then we stand in the (gravel) driveway and look at rocks. Sometimes we attempt to go up the hill, but usually she doesn't want to.
We point at some of my wildflowers
and then we go back inside, via the front entrance.

But it's raining again today, so we'll have to stay inside...

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