A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ellie's Room

So Ellie has this book that she loves. She's read it (literally) to pieces. It's by Jo Joof and just has pictures of all different kind of animals. But they are all cute and patchworky. (yes, it's a word)

So I decided that I wanted to paint them on Ellie's walls in her room. I'm not quite finished yet, but I'm starting to get stumped, so here's what I have so far:

Here's the animals up close:
lion (in case you couldn't tell)
(he originally was supposed to be a tiger, but at the last second I decided that they all needed to be African animals... and for those of you who don't know, tigers are not African animals.)
fish #1 (straight from the book)
fish #2 (I made this one up... I like the other one better)
they're friends!
(the nasty stuff underneath is from where we pulled out a huge baseboard heater. It needs to be sanded and painted. And the blue stuff is painters tape covering a hole in the wall with wires sticking out of it...)
this was probably the most difficult one for me. He used to look like this:
I ran out of white paint. But I got some more and fixed him up, so we're good to go.

So now I have a room full of animals, but I'm running out of African animals. So do I break it or start to make up my own or leave empty spaces on the walls? I tried to draw a baby elephant, but so far he just looks creepy.

Anyway, I really like them and Ellie really likes them too. They each take a couple of hours spread out over a couple of days, but I have fun and so does Ellie.
we have to go through the list of them several times a day where she points and I say what kind of animal it is.

I also had an issue where I drew some that were wrong or ugly or too big and had to erase them. *NOTE* DO NOT DRAW ON YOUR WALLS WITH A MECHANICAL PENCIL.
It was a beast to get off the wall. Normal pencil was ok though.

Anyway, looking around the room (see above) you will notice big empty holes. Will suggested filling them in with plants, like a real jungle. I'm not sure. Everything I've done so far (except the colors on fish #2) has been completely by the book. I dont' know that I can make up stuff that will fit. Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, there are a few cross-stitch pictures framed that I don't know what to do with. Do I leave them up? They don't really fit, but they don't really clash either. At least I don't think so. I made them when I was pregnant and they're pretty cute. Ellie points to them and asks the animals too. Thankfully one has a dog and one has a cat. We just go with it.


  1. Cute! I love the fish ^.^

    Definitely not the traditional animals to teach kids, but you could also try... ostrich, warthog (I'm confident you could make a cute one :P), meerkat, antelope or gazelle, water buffalo or wildebeest, camel, gorilla, aardvark or pangolin, toucan, hyena... and apparently hedgehogs are African too. Shoebills and secretary birds are also awesome, buuut probably not quite what you're looking for. You could also do a lizard, snake, and frog. And don't forget the potential of bugs! ;)

  2. Awesome job Mary, the animals are so cute! I say that if you are feeling adventurous you should paint some more animals. If not, follow Will's suggestion and add some plants.

  3. That confirms it - I am the least artistic person in our family. Where did you all get your genes!?!

  4. yes, i was thinking fill the background with light pastel (a lot lighter than the animals so it doesn't get too crazy) stripes, spots, or flowers or something like a pattern. but i really like will's idea of plants. i say paint every inch of the walls with plants, water, and rocks, etc. or just pastel pattern. like painting the entire room light yellow with peach and aqua polka dots or something. love your guts. whit
