A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I've posted quite a bit about how big Ellie is getting, but in the last week or so I've come to realize that I had no idea how big she really was. I'll just be talking, and suddenly she does what I say.

Here are some things that I didn't know that she knew (ya know?):

milk -  you say this word and she runs to the fridge
outside - she runs to the door
bath - she runs to the bathroom
dishwasher - she loves to empty the dishwasher. I have to load it when she's not around or all the dirty dishes get pulled out too.
bite - she kissed the couch and Will said, "at least she didn't bite it." Then she bit it. She now goes around biting her toys and then giving them kisses.
forehead - she randomly pointed to her forehead and said, "eh?" I told her it was a forehead and ever since then she has remembered it
bum - I guess I always say that I need to change her bum, but I'm not sure how she knows where it is...
pants - I say I need to change her pants too, but she knows where they are, even if she's not wearing them
stinky - if I ask if she's stinky, she points to her diaper (whether she's stinky or not)
naked - (to a certain degree) I asked if she wanted to get out of the bathtub and she shook her head no. I asked if she was crazy, she shook her head no. I asked if she was naked... and she just looked at me and rubbed her belly. Later, when she had clothes on, I asked if she was naked and she lifted up her shirt.
jacket - yesterday she wore a jacket when she went outside in the morning. She wore it for most of the day and carried it around when she wasn't wearing it. She just really likes it and will look for it if you ask where it is. And the hood has to be up, or she cries.

books - this one makes sense, because we read lots of books. But when I say, "let's go read some books," she runs to her books.
socks - now that it's colder (and wetter) outside, she needs socks  with her shoes. She definitely knows which ones are socks and which ones are shoes.
dance - I was in the kitchen, listening to some music when she wandered in and grabbed my legs. I said, "do you want to dance?" and she immediately started dancing in a circle. She's never really danced standing up before. I had to get a video; this is from this morning (I dare you not to smile)

E-I-E-I-O - when we sing Old McDonald (or her toy plays it), she sings along with the EIEIO. If you ask her where the EIEIO is, she'll grab her toy.

She also knows ownership, such as Mommy's hair vs. Ellie's hair. And she can follow simple commands like "give Daddy a smooch" or "go get your shoes".

I didn't really teach her any of these things, at least not consciously. It makes me wonder what other things she knows...


  1. Mary - it's just a picture. ...how do I play it as a movie?

    And I've noticed the same things about Ashlynne lately. She's so cute, and knows so much!

  2. Mary, Ellie is so cute! Loved the video! Love Carrie-Lee

  3. Mary,

    That video is the best! I cannot believe how big she is getting. I love your posts, keep them coming.
