A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Much Can One Heart Take?

So today was one of those days. 

I woke up with a headache after tossing and turning all night.
I showed up at church to play the organ (again) very badly. In front of the whole congregation. When it's not my calling.
I then taught my Primary class of 2. One wouldn't hold still and the other wouldn't speak. 
I then went to Sharing Time, where Ellie peed out of her diaper, all over my dress.
I then went home, complaining the whole way home about... well, almost everything.
At home, I found several cupboards full of ants.

After some more complaining, I moped around most of the day, despite Will doing his best to make everything perfect for me. He even made me cookies and let me have a nap.

Finally I decided to get off my butt and make supper. I turned on some music from Nashville's Tribute to the Prophet Joseph Smith. And I heard this song.


Never had an ordinary day
Never lived your life in an ordinary way
For everything you loved you paid a price
But you couldn't let the world see you cry

Never had a moment of peace
Never felt the sunlight
When the worries set you free
Every time your life turned a page
It seemed like your heart might break

With the world on your shoulders
When the nights had grown colder
You seemed to weather every storm
With a queen's grace
When you lost your husband
When you buried your children
I'm sure the angels stood in reverence as you prayed
How much can on heart take

Never had a day to call your own
When so many needed your warm heart as a home
Whispering a mother's lullaby
As you sat alone by the fire

And i'm sure your heart breaks, when some people still say
Somewhere down the line you lost your faith
How much can one heart take
How much can one heart take

This song about Emma Smith, Joseph Smith's wife, completely changed my attitude. (To be honest it kicked me into my place of humility).

How can I be upset about poor sleep and ants when I have a wonderful home and so many freedoms?
How can I complain about the inconvenience of serving in the church when some people have sacrificed everything for it?
How can I complain about the duties of being a mother when some people would give anything to have that?
How can I be so proud and selfish when I should know better?

Well, mostly because I'm human. And a whiner.

So my point is: hopefully I've learned something from this.
Maybe next time I'll find a little perspective and realize that the world doesn't revolve around me.
Maybe I'll take joy in my service and not expect the world to cater to me.
Maybe I'll practice what I preach.

Life ain't always beautiful,
But it's a beautiful ride.


  1. awh mary! i'm sorry for your terrible day! those are not fun at all. i love your perspective and how you looked for the good. i love you to pieces and hope this week brings you many happinesses.

  2. Loves to you Mary. And I've had so many similar experiences. You know those days when your baby is so fussy and won't really let you alone for a moment? Then I found out my friend lost her baby a few days before he was supposed to be born. And I just had a complete turn-around of feeling. I looked at Ashlynne and was just so grateful that she was there, grabbing on to me, even if I was tired.
