A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


So I was going to upload this cute video of Ellie doing cute things... but for some reason it won't let me. I'll have to have Will look at it when he gets home.

I realize I haven't been putting up so many posts lately, but that's mostly Ellie's fault. You see, this little girl has decided that she only wants to take one nap during the day. Well, I don't know that she wants to, but she's only consented to taking one nap. So it's thrown my schedule off, and now I have half as much Mary-time as I used to have. And I've been filling that precious hour and a half with painting and school and eating and cleaning things like that. So that is my excuse.

On the other hand, because she sleeps so little during the day, she needs more sleep at night. So I've compromised and we put her down at 6:30 pm. She gets up at 7:30 am. This means that I get several hours alone with Will at night, which is wonderful. And he still gets plenty of time to play with her after he gets home (especially when he gets home early, like today :)

So while she's asleep I will take this time to blog something. And that something was supposed to be a video. But it's not. So I'll do something else.

My sister-in-law Whitney did this thing on her blog where she wrote down 10 things that people probably didn't know about her. You know, to put more personal information onto the internet. I thought it was a lot of fun, so I think I'll do something like that too. If you find it boring, then don't read it. Loser.

#1. My favorite food is ice cream. Well, I'm sure a lot of people know that already. But I don't think they UNDERSTAND it. See, ice cream and me, we have a long history. Ice cream got me through high school. It got me through college. It got me through my pregnancy. And it's getting me through raising a toddler. In college I had to limit my spending on ice cream because it was breaking my budget (and making me fat). But I ALWAYS had some one hand. Always. Even now, we have ice cream almost every night. It's Declare #2 for every who remembers our Declare System. #2. Right after pajamas. We are currently out of ice cream. It is enough to make me want to leave me house to get some more. Speaking of that...

#2. I am a complete home-body. I love to be home. I can stay home for weeks a time and it doesn't bother me. At all. I get annoyed and anxious when I have to leave home. Well, if I have to leave by myself. Part of it is that I hate driving. Most of it is that I just like to be home. This might be part of the reason Ellie is anti-social... I'm just happiest at home. I just realized  this makes it sound worse than it actually is. But only just a little bit. I'm not one of those crazies that never leaves their house. Ever. I just like being home. That's that. Speaking of crazies that never leave their houses...

#3. That reminds me of Monk. It's a TV show about a detective with OCD. And he has a brother who never leaves his house. I don't watch that show anymore. Mostly because I got freaked out when Monk reminded me of myself. Not that I have OCD. I wouldn't even say I'm borderline. But I might have been once. Maybe. Anyway, I just like some things to be certain ways. An example: there's a scene in the show where Monk finds a grenade in a house, and he rushes it to the refrigerator. He puts it with the eggs and then runs away. Only to return and straighten out the eggs. And  he almost dies. Now, I don't think I'll ever have to dispose of a grenade that way, but if I did, now I know how. My issue was with the eggs. See, I like my eggs to be symmetrical. Honestly, it's about weight distribution. But it doesn't look like that to other people. They just see me rearranging my eggs after I use one. I'm not crazy. Really, I'm not. I'm not! Speaking of mental illnesses...

#4. I have like a million phobias. Ok, not a million. I'm scared of heights. That's the worst. It's legitimate, I get panic attacks and everything. Once I pretty much passed out (away from the edge). I consider that a reasonable fear. I am also terrified of crustaceans. Yeah, you read that right. Crabs, lobsters, crawdads, prawns.... blech. I got a shiver just thinking about it. I don't faint, but I scream. And shiver. It's nasty. Please, please, please never chase me with a crab. Even a hermit crab. My brother used to do that. I blame most of this on him. I also have a problem with mold. It's not so much that I'm scared of it as... well, it just really bothers me. Sour milk, moldy bread, moldy cheese, old nasty food... I have had nightmares. It's just nasty. And don't get me started on soggy bread. Or driving. Speaking of a million things...

#5. I also have like a million allergies. But this is one closer to a million than my phobias were. As far as I know, I am allergic to: nickel (the metal they put in everything except pure metals and stainless steel), grass, some trees, some flowers, latex, melons, most kinds of bbq sauce (something they put in it, not sure exactly what it is), some spiders, some mosquitoes, most adhesives, gel deodorant, and shopping. These range from very mild, such as bbq sauce (which I eat anyway) and melons (which make my mouth and ears itch), to medium, such as usual seasonal allergies and rashes (like when I wear band-aids... even the latex-free ones...), to annoying, such as bites that swell up huge and itch forever, to nickel. Which is by far the worst. Nickel sneaks up on me and hits me in ways that I would never think of, such as: the button on my pants, my flute, cheap sewing needles (which I used to hold in my mouth for short periods of time while cross-stitching), to food cooked in pots with nickel in them, to water that flows through old nasty pipes with nickel in them. True story. The food and water are by far the worst. And then there's shopping...

#6. I'm not so big on the shopping. It makes my hands swell up. At least it used to. I have found that I enjoy it a little more when I get to shop for Ellie (see that, I said get to). Clothes don't really hold that much interest for me. I think most trendy fashions are dumb and I can count on one hand the number of times I've had the thought "those shoes are cute". It's just not me. I don't mind food shopping. Given the chance I will spend my money on: food, books, Ellie or things for the house. Not so much the clothes. They're boring. Speaking of boring...

#7. I don't get bored. Not really. Some things can be boring (shopping), but I'm never just bored. As my Fundamentals of Literacy professor once said, "I don't get bored. When things get boring, I just go inside my head. It's always interesting in there." She was my favorite professor because she said that. I always have at least 5 things that I'm thinking about at once (ask Will, he knows). I'm pretty sure my mind is the most awesome place to be. Ever. I'm just that cool. I'm also hilarious. Speaking of me being hilarious...

#8. I'm pretty darn hilarious. You probably didn't know that. But I am. 'Nuff said.
Speaking of 'nuff said...

#9. I'm really running out of ideas here. I'm pretty sure everything thinks I'm a ice cream-eating loser that sits at home because I'm afraid of the world, unsymmetrical eggs and I might die from allergies. With an awesome mind that's completely hilarious. Now that's just the wrong picture. Except for that last part. That bit's true. Speaking of true...

#10. Nothing in the world means more to me than my family. That's true. Will and Ellie are my entire world. Or rather, they are my entire sun and I am the world that evolves around them (no, that wasn't a fat joke). I've done things that I never would have been able to do, and I did them because someone in my family needed me to. My family is pretty much my best friends, and I would give everything I own if it meant being able to help the people I love.

So there. Now I've spent an hour thinking solely about me and it was glorious. And now I'm hungry. Chow!


  1. I enjoyed reading your 10 facts Mary, some of which I knew and some I didn't. I have to agree that you are rather funny. And I absolutely love the picture of Ellie, she is so darn cute!!!!

  2. pretty much already knew all of that, mary. but you are highly entertaining to read about. and that's one of the many reasons i love you. i love that you mentioned your family. i didn't mention mine, probably because they are wierd and i don't even like them.

  3. Loves Mary =) And being sisters-in-law, I think I knew all that about you. Except the eggs. I used to do that, but decided to stop.

    And I might not post anything about me on my blog, because you're the only ones who will read it and you already know it all. =) =P
