A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My baby is a toddler...

I denied it for as long as I could, but now I'm just lying to myself.

She's getting so big.

For those who haven't been around to watch her turn into a toddler, we have some videos for you.

This first one was probably from about 3 weeks after her birthday.

She had only taken 5 or 6 steps until we went on our family trip, where she learned from her cousin, Ashlynne, who was a toddling pro.

After she started acting interested, we'd sit on the floor with her every night for about half an hour and just let her walk back and forth with her pop up toy as her reward.

This next one is about a week later.

We no longer count steps. At this point she still wouldn't stand up on her own. But her steps are a lot more controlled, despite walking like a drunken sailor (or what I assume a drunken sailor would walk like).

This next one is from a couple days after the last one.

The pop up toy became obsolete, but books are always a good motivator. She would walk from me to Will, get a book from him, and turn around and walk back WITHOUT SITTING DOWN OR NEEDING HELP FROM WILL! It doesn't seem like much, but it was a big step for her.

Yesterday I saw her walk to a book, bend over, pick it up, stand back up, and walk back to me holding it. She's never done that before (successfully). She also walks about as much as she crawls now and is learning to walk in shoes.

So now I will admit that she is a toddler. But she's still my baby!


  1. Why is it I can never watch movies on Blogger anymore?!

  2. I still call mine a baby whether she toddles or not =P

  3. She has gotten so good at walking, go Ellie!!!

  4. awhh... my ellie!! so proud of you!! you need to come see me so i can lick your face.

    love, aunt whitney
