A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Thoughts

I've noticed one of my rather obvious flaws is that I am really good at complaining. I think that because I am a generally happy person, I have to let a little of my dark side out every once in a while. But today I am not going to complain. Instead, I'll make a list of my happy thoughts, and hopefully they will brighten someone else's day too.

I like it when the rain hits our range hood and sounds like popcorn popping.

I like looking out my window and seeing my pretty flowers whenever I want.

I love seeing all the animals in our backyard. Just today I saw deer, a hummingbird and a bunch of wild turkeys.

I like how my awesome new washer and dryer sing to me when they are done.

I love to fold warm, clean laundry.

I love snuggling up with a good book and a blanket.

I love how Ellie always wants to be outside. We go out for walks at least twice a day and she never wants to go back in.

I love my fruit trees. I'm so excited to get them back into good shape.

I love how Ellie is so excited to see me when she wakes up.

I love when my daughter decides she wants to wear something and then actually keeps it on.

I love opening my windows to hear birds singing, crickets chirping, and the occasional moo from the cows next door.

I love family picnics on overcast days.

I love the smell of clean babies.

I love how Ellie can make me laugh every day.

And I love quiet nights at home with Will. We have a secret system of Declares that get used almost every day.

Declare #1: Pajamas
Declare #2: Ice cream
Declare #3: Popcorn
Declare #4: EXTRA snuggles
Declare #5: Reading party

We've gotten so good at them, we don't even have to say them. We just hold up the number of fingers and it's officially declared.

Will and Ellie are definitely my favorite happy thoughts.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that.

These are my happy thoughts.

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