A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, April 4, 2011

One fish, two fish...

Last week Ellie and I got to go to the Baltimore Aquarium with Grandma and Grandpa Rollins and my brother Jeff, my sister-in-law Whitney, and their 2 little boys, Cody and Kyler. It was a lot of fun, especially since Cody and Kyler are avid fish/shark fanatics.

Eaten by a Megaladon!

Little Ellie in a big mouth

Dolphin show with Grandpa!

Playing with Kyler

Kyler loved the turtles

He kept trying to tickle them

Cody loves sharks. He even brought his favorite shark toy.

Ellie liked the big scary pictures

One ray really liked Kyler

It kept following him around, like it wanted to eat him. 
Little Kyler snack.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!


  1. It was fun hearing this from your point of view and Whitney's. =) Still wishing I was there.

  2. i was just thinking the same thing jenni! i was like, oh, and from mary's point of view :) such a fun aunt cody and kyler have! i love when you visit and can't wait for you to come back... that is, if you're not tired of my kids hurting ellie... :( love ya!

  3. I'm definitely not tired of your adorable boys! I don't think I'll be down this week, and next week we're planning (fingers crossed) to go out to West Virginia and look at houses. But the week after that, we will definitely party!

    And Jenni, we wish you were here too! But it sounds like you might be out here soon... maybe?
