A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Big Girl

As of yesterday, Ellie Marie is 8 months old.

She's come a long way from the skinny, tiny baby she was when we brought her home. 

Here are some of the advances she's made:

-gained almost 11 pounds
-grown about 8 inches
-has mastered sitting
-can get up on her hands and knees (but not both at the same time)
-can scoot backwards on her tummy
-can eat, not only solid food, but finger foods
-popped out 2 teeth (they aren't big enough to be seen in pictures yet though)
-can clap (it counts, even if she usually misses)
-can sit in a high chair/grocery cart/big girl stroller
-makes friends with EVERYONE (she got a special balloon from a grocery lady just today)
-can give kisses
-can turn light switches on and off
-can say letters b,d,m,n,f,p and g (including mamama and dadada)
-can pull of her own socks
-likes to sing
-can use a straw
-discovered her own fingers, toes, hair and now tongue
-gone on a picnic
-played on a playground
-been swinging at said playground

P.S. I totally made her hat
She has also, unfortunately, gotten her share of bumps, bruises and scratches.
Not to mention when I burned her little hand or yesterday... when I dislocated her elbow :( (one ER visit later and she's just fine, apparently it's a fairly common injury)

It's been a crazy 8 months, but I can't believe how quickly time has passed.

And I can't believe how much I love this beautiful baby.


  1. Wait. REWIND. She dislocated her elbow? How?! Tell me so I don't accidentally do it to Ashlynne. And how did she get burned? And don't worry - accidents happen. Ashlynne's had her share.

    And she can scoot backwards on her tummy? That's quite a feat. Ashlynne just figured out how to change the direction she's facing on her tummy.

    Your Ellie is amazing! (And thanks so much for posting so much this past week!)

  2. So what happened was she was one her back and I was putting some lotion on her after her back. I grabbed her hands and pulled her up to a sitting position and I heard something pop. I thought it was her shoulder. She cried and then stopped using her arm. I felt SOOOO bad. So I called the doctor and she said it was probably Nurse Maid's Elbow and had us go to the ER. We waited like 3 hours to have to doctor do one quick move and pop it back into place. She's totally fine now. Poor baby.

    And she burned her hand a couple months ago while I was making dinner and I let her get a little too close. I think I cried more than she did...

    I went through my whole "I'm a horrible mom" bit and now we're all good again. Good thing babies are so durable for being so little.

  3. Mary, I did something much worse, but I'd rather not post it on here. God is watching over our babies though, thank goodness!

  4. yeah, that went by so fast! i feel like you just had her! maybe because i just met her... i feel terrible when my kids get hurt like that. cody burned his arm on my curling iron two days ago... so sad! you are the best mommy ever! and ellie couldn't be more blessed to have you!
