A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Poor Ellie has a TON of cousins, but has only met a few of them.

This last week she got to hang out with 4 of her boy cousins. 

They LOVED her.

Playing piano with Peter (2)

Hi Aunt Lindsay!

Grandpa, the baby snatcher

Cody-Bug (3)

Kyler (almost 2)

Cody had to reaffirm that he is, in fact, a big boy.

A very sweet big boy.

trying to crawl

So many cousins! Peter (in the back), Kyler, Caleb (6), Cody and Ellie all playing at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Ellie was content to sit and chew on things...

while the boys did a puzzle on the floor

Some were more helpful than others. Kyler found the pieces with the shark and carried them around the entire time saying "Shawk, nuh nuh, nuh nuh." (the theme music from Jaws)

Brothers. Peter was sad, so Caleb gave him a hug.

The boys were all really sweet to Ellie, although they didn't give her much space.

Caleb got to hold Ellie

and so did Cody.

Grandma needs more lap room for all her cute grandkids.


  1. So cute. I'm wanting to be there more and more all the time! Nice change in background too.

  2. ellie is soooo cute!! have i told you that already? :) i love the picture of her looking at lindsay upside-down. i want to eat her up. and i am sooo thankful she doesn't cry when i hold her!!
