A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Here it goes...

I'm sure anyone reading this knows that we are planning on moving soon. In like 2 months. To West Virginia.

Why? So Will doesn't have to travel so much. And because the cost of living is quite a bit cheaper. And we won't have to spend all our money on rent. Because we're planning on buying a house. Yay for us!

The down-side: Will is going to be gone for most of the next 2 months. He'll be in West Virginia. He leaves on Monday. Thankfully he (maybe) gets to come home on (some of) the weekends. So he'll get back right around the time we're supposed to leave.

Since the day we got married just over 2 years ago, this will have been the 4th time we've moved. And the 2nd time we've changed states. It's a big step, and now we get to do it with a (soon-to-be) toddler. And he's going to be gone for most of it.

{side note: holy crap, Ellie's almost a toddler!!!!}

I've recently watched (from a distance) my sister-in-law go through a similar process, although she has 2 little kids, didn't get to see her husband at all, could only speak to him in letters and occasional skype dates and has to move across the country without him. That's rough.
To make a long story short, we're gonna miss him. A lot. And I'll save up all Ellie's da da da's. For later. We'll go through them when he gets back home.

My sister-in-law compared it to riding a roller-coaster. We're reaching the top of that first incline, where you look straight down and get that sinking feeling in your stomach and wonder if you really want to do this.

It's about to get crazy.


  1. I feel for you, Mary - it is hard to be apart from your husband for so long. I did the same thing last year, but not with a baby. Good luck - I love you all! And good luck getting ready for your move.

  2. i don't know who you are talking about, but it sounds vaugely familiar... haha. your mom told me, "it's amazing what you can do when you have to." she's a smart woman!
