A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Here's a few things that happened in February that didn't get accounted for by my amazing blogging skills:

Ellie became a Packers fan.

(notice the green and yellow socks)

My little brother, Elder Michael Rollins, completed 18 months of his mission in the Montevideo Uruguay Mission.

Only 6 more to go!

Ellie's never met him, but she's heard he's pretty cool.

We celebrated Valentine's Day.

Ellie helped me make the pizza.

Which turned out awesome, by the way.

Ellie's hair is just barely long enough for some hair clips.

She's a great sitter.

She's not crawling yet, but we practice every day.

She can (sometimes) drink out of her own sippy cup.

And she found her FAVORITE food.

Yummy cheddar. Definitely a Wisconsin baby.

(not shown)

Ellie also played on a playground for the first time, but i think Will and I had more fun than she did.

It's been an exciting month, but we can't wait until spring!


  1. =) Thanks for the new posts - I love your shaped thin mints and pizza! You're awesome

  2. super cute mary!!!! love it!! how awesome was your valentine's dinner! so cute! see you soon!!
