A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Hair Story

I realize that hair is not really an interesting subject, even for a blog posting. But I figure that if you're reading this, you probably don't have anything important to do anyway.

The always-up Before shot

So about a month ago I decided that I wanted a change. I'd been considering a hair change for a while and I couldn't decide to cut it, dye it or do both. I've never dyed my hair before. And I usually like it long. But having a little one and long hair just seem to cancel each other out. So one day, when Will had the day off, I cut his hair and then we went to the grocery store. We joked about him cutting my hair. At the grocery store we spent a good half an hour looking at colors. I decided I wanted it darker. Will picked a color. I didn't know if we would actually use it. We got home and put Ellie down for a nap and not only did we use the dye, but Will cut my hair too. 

after the cut, before the dye

I was originally just going to take off a few inches, but then we pulled out a tape measure and realize that if I cut off just a bit more, I could get the 10 inches required for Locks of Love. I've done Locks of Love once before and decided it would be a good thing to do. So 10 inches came off, leaving 8 inches left. The last time my hair was this short, I was in 1st grade.

I decided to dye it darker because it pretty much wasn't blond anymore anyway. If I didn't like the dark, I'd rather have roots a bit lighter than roots a lot darker.

see, not that much darker
I actually had to dye it twice, because the first time we missed a lot of random blond spots. Will did most of the work again. Good thing we cut it first, or we wouldn't have had enough dye to do it twice.

Final Product
So pretty much, I love it. I realize that it's Mom-Hair, but I still love it. It's short enough that it doesn't get in the way and long enough to be kinda fun. I like the color. And it does the curl thing all by itself. It's the lowest-maintenance my hair has ever been. And that's exactly what I was looking for.

The End

Oh, P.S.


  1. that's so awesome! right after I had cody, I wanted a new 'do also! I went and dyed my hair dark, dark brown, did you ever see pics? Maybe it's an after-baby thing? I loved it, but when I tried to darken it up again, it went so black it was navy. I bleached it and stripped the color 36 times in 24 hours. And then most of it fell out. :) Now, I just stick to the same thing. Your haircut/dye is adorable!! I love love love it!

  2. I think I saw one picture of it really dark. You have such pretty hair, it suites you perfectly :)

  3. I must not have much to do because I read your blog. Your hair does look cute short, especially in the last picture. My hair keeps getting lighter. I think the lady who does it is trying to hide the grey. By the way this is your Mom who still does not have a google account to comment.
