A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, May 27, 2013


So I might have mentioned at one point that my parents were moving to Connecticut. And that we are currently living with them. Well, they are no longer moving. Long story short: no one wanted to live in Connecticut. And so Save the Children (my dad's new job) is moving an office to D.C. So my mom doesn't have to give up her house anymore (including the new floors she put in to help sell it). And to make it even more interested, only 2 people looked at the house the whole month it was up for sale. Mom and Dad were in Connecticut for about 2 weeks and no one called to see the house. Until they were on their way home after deciding to take the house off the market. Looks like it was meant to be. Or it was a really good ploy to get us to finally move out of their basement.

So these are random pictures of our adventures while house-sitting for my parents and all that jazz.

This is where I learned that babies don't care where they sleep (like on a table) and that it is possible to fold laundry one-handed. Even though it looks messy.

And this is how I cook dinner. Yum yum.

He's too cute to eat.

Even in 9 month pants. 9 MONTHS! The kid won't even be 3 months until tomorrow. 17 pounds and still eating constantly. 

While this one doesn't weigh 30 pounds dripping wet. They couldn't be built more differently.

But they're pretty cute together. She likes reading Malcolm books, like the Big Sister book.

And rescuing him (as a princess).

And snuggling/kissing/abusing him.

He's getting so big!

And Ellie's getting so silly. Those are sheep on her feet. Lamb Chop, to be exact.

Speaking of silly...


Anyway, that's the latest. And in just over a week we will be moving in to our new house and there will be plenty of posts coming out of that. Yay!


  1. He is so handsome and Ellie is so cute. I died about him sleeping on the table!! Hahaha

  2. Seriously. You have the cutest kids. I wish I knew them in real life ;)
