A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Once there was a snowman...

So we've had kind of a boring winter here in northern VA. Not a whole lot of snow, but plenty of rain and wind, with occasional bouts of sunshine. But we did get a bunch (comparatively speaking) of snow a week or so ago, and we got to go out and play in it for a few minutes while Grandma watched Malcolm.

And Will and Ellie built a snowman! I've been wanting to build a snowman with Ellie this whole winter, and we finally had enough snow to do it. Well, Will managed to get enough snow together to do it. The rest of us were surprised that he got as much snow together as he did. But he's a Wisconsin boy, so he knows his snow.

Yes, this is our "lots of snow". We take what we can get.

Will did most of the work while I stood around and took pictures and Ellie played with a shovel.

Best looking snowman I've seen in a while. (Notice how all the snow is gone...)

Then there was an epic snowball fight.

She kept moving closer because she can't throw very far.

She was fascinated by the fact that the snowman was the same size as her.

Then Will made a "baby brother" one.

The snowman actually lasted several days, despite most of the snow being gone after a few hours. Even the baby brother one lasted a couple of days.

We tried to get Ellie to name the snowman, but obviously I have more to teach her about appropriately naming inanimate objects.

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