A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Better out than in

So our latest exciting news isn't all that exciting.

Last week, after our annoying hospital visits, we woke up Monday morning refreshed and feeling good. For a little while. Then poor Ellie started throwing up. She was laying around and not acting like herself at all. She said she was too tired to do anything, even play. For Ellie, that's weird. The child never stops moving. So I said we should go on a walk. We got on our shoes and jackets and were heading out the door when she suddenly threw up her last meal (hot dog, yay!). And without thinking about it my first instinct was to catch it. In my hands. She continued to throw up randomly that evening and finally, after a blessing, she got to sleep around 10 that night and kept sleeping. I only had to wash like 10 different outfits (hers and mine) and all her bedding. Twice. Poor kid. We were all hoping that it was something she ate (a.k.a. the hot dogs) that made her sick.

Tuesday she managed to eat some breakfast, and then promptly threw it up 3 hours later. The poor child laid around all day and kept saying how thirsty she was. I wouldn't let her drink very much of anything because I knew she'd just throw it up again. But when she was sitting there with cracked little lips and crying and crying because she wanted some water... I gave her some. And she threw it up. We gave her some pedialyte and she wouldn't drink it. We gave her some Sprite and she wouldn't drink it. We gave her 2 or 3 different anti-nausea medications and she couldn't keep them down. It was sad. She didn't have a fever or anything, so we thought it would just run its course.

With the exception of her being incredibly sick or being in the car, she will not sleep if we are anywhere she can see or hear us. She's been like that since she was about 6 months old. So while I love watching her sleep, it breaks my heart when she falls asleep next to me.

Wednesday, around midnight, I woke up with horrible stomach cramps. My first thought was that I was in labor. No such luck. After spending a most horrible morning laying on the floor in the bathroom, I discovered that my mom and Will were both feeling sick too, although Will didn't have it as bad. So when Ellie got up, Will took care of her and I tried to sleep. I got like 10 minutes when I heard poor Ellie throw up right outside the bathroom door. Well, more like all over the bathroom door. And the bathroom. And since I couldn't even stand to be near it, poor Will had to clean it up.

So I didn't get much sleep and poor Will spent the next 45 minutes or so cleaning up the bathroom (which has carpet on the floor for some reason). And poor mom confined herself to her bedroom and I'm sure was absolutely miserable the whole time. And I figured out quickly that sitting or laying down made me more sick, so I stood. Well, I walked. I walked around the house for hours and hours, which caused my legs to cramp up and gave me some crazy contractions, but I just couldn't sit down for more than a few minutes at a time. Finally, around 7 p.m. my dad made it home with some gatorade and was the only one who seemed fully functional. I finally managed to fall asleep around midnight.

Did I mention that was our anniversary?

Thursday we were feeling better, Will even went back to work and seemed fully recovered. As far as I am aware, no one threw up. Until my poor dad barely made it home because he was sick too. With the exception of Will, it took us all 3 or 4 days to be normal people again.

The worst part was how thirsty I got. Halfway through Wednesday I got so thirsty that I finally drank some cold water. Too much. And I regretted it later. I knew exactly how poor Ellie felt a couple days before. And I felt so bad that she had been sick for 2 days and I had no idea what she was going through, poor thing.

Anyway, it was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I had to reschedule my doctor appointment for the week, and when I finally went in they made me wear a mask. It was embarrassing, but it was pretty funny to see the looks people gave me. Like I was a leper or something.

On to happier things, according to my doctor visits I have made some "progress", and as of this morning, the doctor says I am good to go. Whenever my body decides to evict my very small tenant. My due date isn't technically until next Wednesday, but every day I am cautiously hopeful. They gave me the option of scheduling an induction for next week, but I said we would wait and see what happens.

Also, on a happy note, on Monday morning I took my final and finished my class! Except that this is the first time I have not been given a review sheet for the class and professor. And that is very sad because I've spent the last 6 months perfecting the horrible review I was going to give that professor. Oh well. I'm done with the stupid class now.

Also on Monday Will and I finally celebrated our anniversary. We were going to see a movie, but there didn't seem to be any good ones out, so we just went to the Cheesecake Factory, which I'd never been to before. I have to say, it was delicious, and we only had a 20 minute wait, which we spent walking around and around the building in the hopes that walking would help put me into labor... which it didn't. I got some pasta, Will got a steak, and we shared a ridiculously good piece of raspberry lemon cheesecake afterwards. It was really nice to spend some time with just the 2 of us. :)

And finally, the worst part about being sick for Ellie was that she didn't get to play with her cousins. We made up for that this week.

Ok, so they really aren't very good pictures at all, but they were the only ones I had. And blog posts without pictures are boring. So there you go.

Hopefully the next update will involved some pictures of our little man! *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! Being sick is the worst. Ok, actually seeing your kid be sick and not know why is the worst! Glad you guys pulled through.
