A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's a Boy!!!!!

So, in case you hadn't picked up on it...


And oh my gosh, we had to fight to get that information.

I had an ultrasound 10 weeks ago and we couldn't tell. I was disappointed, but I got over it. Until I saw baby things or had people ask me if I knew what it was. Then I wanted to know. Then my sister-in-law found out she was having a boy (her third) and then I wanted to know even more. I was trying to convince my obgyn out here that I needed another ultrasound. We didn't think the insurance would buy it (literally). So I kind of gave up.

Then I happened to have 3 friends/acquaintances due to have babies this week. And when one had a baby a couple of days ago, I went a little crazy (yes you, Trina). I started to look for places to have an ultrasound without caring about insurance. FYI, it's like $100. I finally scheduled one with my doctor office, and they do them on Saturday, so that was nice because then Will didn't have to miss work.

We went out to 5 Guys before the appointment and I drank caffeinated soda (which I've been avoiding) so that the baby would move around. Specifically for that reason. Also, I missed soda.

The $100 ultrasound is only 2D and only to find out the gender. You get a couple of pictures. I was totally fine with that. The lady at the desk tried to get me to pay $50 for the 3D/4D whatever. I said no. So when we went in, I was prepared for a 5 minute ultrasound and a couple pictures. Our ultrasound technician was AWESOME. She assured us that it was stupid to pay that much for a 2 minute job. So she was going to give us the whole shebang, even though we'd only paid for the cheapest one.

Well, the baby is breech, with his little legs crossed underneath him. First glance and Will and the technician both thought it was a girl and it took another 10-15 minutes to show that it was a boy. And then another 10 minutes to get good solid proof. Then she tried to get some cute face pictures. Unfortunately his face was turned toward my back and facing down. And up in my ribs. So we got a lot of partials and profile shots. She had me rolling from side to side and she was jabbing me up in my ribs to get a decent shot. Pretty much, the baby did not cooperate AT ALL. Little stinker. (And the caffeinated soda did not make one smidge of difference.) We did get so watch it drink some of the amniotic fluid and open and close its eyes and stick its little tongue out at us. The technician even pointed out that you could see some fuzzy head hair on the ultrasound. :)

So we got a 45 minute ultrasound, with a bag full of pictures, including the 3D/4D ones. I'm impatient and my laptop isn't connected to my parent's scanner, so I took some crappy pictures with my phone.

This one is creepy, but it's because his eyes are open and he's "smiling"

Anyway, that's our exciting news!

And because I have some cute pictures, here's Ellie playing with her early Christmas present:

She has wanted a bike since she was a little tiny thing, but we didn't have any place she could actually ride one. I found this little Cinderella (or as Ellie says, Cinder-bella) bike at a thrift store. For $7. I couldn't really hide it from her (since she was there with me when I bought it) and I don't know that she'll be able to ride it come Christmas time (hopefully there will be snow...) so we let her use it early. She hasn't figured out pedaling yet, but she LOVES it. And her little helmet is so stinking cute on her.

Anyway, yay for baby boys and for girls that grow up too quickly!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so, so, so, so excited for the new little baby boy! Ellie looks adorable trying to ride her bike and the one with Will and Ellie on the bike is super cute!
