A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Favorite Things

So this isn't really about my favorite things, but Will introduced me to something a few months back that has helped me get through some rough days.

Basically it's Garfield comic strips, but without Garfield actually in them. That sounds kind of dumb, but they are HILARIOUS! I have a few saved that I feel a... special bond with. I feel they apply to me on a very personal level, and when I am having a rough day, all I have to do is glance through them and it makes me happy.

So I'm going to share a few of my favorites, in order to maybe brighten a few other lives, and maybe let people get to know me a little better.

Haha, seriously. I was telling Will that, on average, I get up about 3 times a meal. Except breakfast. I do not share breakfast, and I do not get up during breakfast. Even if it means putting off breakfast until I get everything done. (Like this morning)

 This is something I could find myself thinking of... especially late at night.

Sometimes I can do both.


Haha, new things are meant to be used. For sure.

I go through this... like once a day.

More laundry jokes. I love to do laundry. Especially the sorting and folding parts. Not so much the putting things away parts.

Even MORE laundry jokes! Thankfully the laundry is never quite done at our house. Ever.

My days all run together, especially when Will is gone on the weekends. 

This is also an every day experience.

Haha, so I've figured out something odd about myself. See, I spend all day, every day, alone with a toddler. Every few days I speak to someone on the phone. Other than that, I have no social contact except with a very little person with a realtively impressive vocabulary but limited understanding. So when I actually get to talk to someone, I tend to talk. A lot. About all sorts of random things that no one else would find interesting. Random details that don't mean anything. But it's talking, so I keep doing it. Poor Will has to put up with it every day. He's good about it though.

Most of my parties include naps.

Well, for me that's pretty much every night, not just Friday night. I am notorious at falling asleep while watching TV.

That just makes me happy.

This is totally me. Good thing I have Will to help me with things like that.

Today I tried to put both my contact lenses in the same eye and tried to put mayonnaise on my bagel. Nuff said.

This might actually spark a conversation at my house. And anything that I have to think about too hard to understand is magic.

Sometimes it's hard not to talk to people the same way I talk to Ellie. And sometimes it's hard not to talk to Ellie the same way I talk to normal people.

Contact with the outside world. I won't tell you how many times a day I check facebook, my email or blogs. I just won't. Don't ask me again.

Perfect example? Right now. When I should be cleaning or doing homework or something.

Anyway, there's that. Life is good, and the days run together, but sometimes you have to laugh at the little things. Here are some random, non-Garfield things that also make me happy. I really should keep a full list to peek at.

Today Will left for work and Ellie said, "Uh oh, Ellie sad." When I asked her why she was sad, she said, "Oh, nothing wrong. Ellie just miss Daddy."

Yesterday I asked Ellie to do something for me and she said, "Hold on a minute, Ellie just thinking."

When I do something like eat all my food or put on my shoes, Ellie always tells me that I did a good job.

I love watching Will and Ellie play. He can make her laugh like no one else. They like to play hide and go seek and funny games where Will hides things and she finds them. 

Will has a magic trick where he makes little things disappear, and it's always a big hit with kids. Recently he showed Ellie how to do it too.

You have to admit, she's pretty good.

A month or two ago I introduced Ellie to Tangled. She only likes the part with the lizard. But if you tell her that her hair looks so long and beautiful, she'll probably strike a pose and say, "Just like Run-puzzle!"

Sometimes when Will and I stay up too late, we end up talking about all sorts of random things that a pretty much ridiculous because we are so tired. The other night Will randomly said, "I think pillow should be a letter in the Greek alphabet." I'm not sure where it came from, but it was pretty funny.

Will makes lots of... bodily function jokes. Usually I just roll my eyes, but he thinks they are funny. And I like it when he laughs. 

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Anyway, these are my happy thoughts for the day.


  1. haha I loved this whole thing. The comics, then how they related to your life, and your list of happy things. These are the things that make life interesting.

  2. Mary you are so funny! The Garfield comics are so much like you. Maybe you should take up writing comics. You have a unique perspective on the world. Have you ever noticed that Ellie talks like Snuffy on Sesame Street? Or is it Elmo? And, by the way, I think Ellie is magic.
