A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Breathe In, Breathe Out

So remember a while back when I mentioned that Will might be getting a new job?

In case you don't want to go back and read that post, here are the basics:

Right after we moved here, Will got offered a job back in D.C. with a different company. We kind of laughed about it, because we'd just moved, but we decided to see what would happen. Everything went through, which we didn't expect, and we were just waiting on a security clearance and some paperwork. We weren't sure whether or not the clearance would go through, but Will got all excited about the work he would be doing and his current job just didn't seem all that great. Plus the pay for the new job would be excellent.

That was almost 8 months ago. We had told people we would probably be moving, and then people kept asking us about it... and asking... and asking... We finally started emailing every couple of months to make sure things were on track. Sometimes we'd get a response, sometimes we wouldn't.

It has been absolutely nerve-wracking.  I've been doing my best not to think about it. Last we heard, a couple of weeks ago, we'd passed the interim clearance level, but it would be 3 months before we would know for sure. So I started trying to make friends and get more involved in church activities and stopped worrying about it.

On Monday Will had a phone interview, which we thought went well.
On Wednesday Will sent me an email, asking me to call him at work. Very quietly, since he was at work, he informed me that he had gotten the job. They were drafting an official offer letter, but they needed a start date. Somewhere a time frame came up: 4 weeks. They wanted Will to start in 4 weeks. After listening to me mumble something (my brain was having trouble focusing), Will got back to work. And I called my mom. I was kind of in shock. How in the world were we supposed to pack our things, get our house up for sale, and move in 4 weeks. Especially since half the time I can't bend over. I was pacing and my head was spinning when my mom gave me the best advice: make some lists. Be sure to write down some things you've already done, so you can cross them off. Then you'll feel so much better. I love my mom. (I have 5 lists.)
Thursday morning Will got a call from his future boss. They were ready to send off the offer letter, they just needed a start date. Will told him what we had decided. 4 weeks. The boss then responded by saying that he wanted us there in 3 weeks. 3 weeks. They offered us a moving company.
Friday morning (as in, this morning) Will signed and returned the offer letter, with a start date in 3 weeks. We spent the morning rescheduling doctor visits, setting up inspections, getting a hold of a real estate agent, talking to a moving company and getting rid of Lester. 

Lester was a job all in itself. Since he won't start, we had to tow him. But first we tried to siphon out the half tank of gas that he has been hording for the last 4 months. It didn't work. It left Will with a head full of fumes, a horrible taste in his mouth, a cut gas line, and a few drops of gas in a bucket. We decided it wasn't worth it. Towing Lester was horrible. Our road is narrow, windy and hilly. The power steering didn't work and the windows wouldn't roll down. I was in Lester and Will was in Jupiter (the Jeep) and I think I pulled too many muscles trying to wrench that wheel back and forth and keep the brakes under control. Not the mention that we spent about forty minutes pushing him back and forth to get him in position. (I do not recommend this for pregnant women, by the way. I already regret doing it, and I'm sure tomorrow will be worse.) Anyway, Lester is gone. And we are $200 richer. They were even nice enough to pay us $20 for all four of our practically new tires.

Anyway, that is our news. On (about) October 24th we will be out of here. We will stay with my parents in Dumfries, VA until we find a house, probably right around that area. Since I have a brother and a sister and their families, plus my parents, living right there, that will be nice. 

Will has put in his notice at work, and we are starting to come to terms with everything. Slowly.

Here are some interesting statistics, for anyone interested:

In the 3 1/2 years we have been married, this will be the 5th time we have moved.
It will be our 4th state.
This is the longest we have lived in one place since we have been married. 16 months.
This is the 12th big move in my life. 
Including smaller moves, this counts as my 20th.
This is our second time moving while I've been pregnant.

The weirdest part? I'm kind of worried about selling the house. I'm kind of worried about buying a new house. I'm kind of worried about timing and getting everything done. I am absolutely terrified at the thought of staying in one place for an extended period of time. I just don't know how. My brain doesn't comprehend it.

On to more exciting things:

18 weeks (a week and a half ago). That's my "I'm smiling, I promise" face.

Baby kicks a lot and has even kicked Daddy a few times. I want Mexican food and ice cream. And candy corn. And steak. And apples. And lots of things. I can smell a stinky trashcan 3 rooms away and bending over makes it hard to breathe. If I sit too long my feet swell up. I randomly get sciatic pain and a backache, not to mention the round ligament pain (which is technical speak for feels-like-being-kicked-in-the-pelvis-with-those-pointy-toed-witch-shoes. Repeatedly.) 
And I'm not even half-way there yet.

At least we're moving before I get too huge. Right?

To quote my earlier post:

The other day Will pointed out something funny. He remembered back to before Ellie was born, when he first brought up moving to West Virginia. I laughed in his face and told him I would never do that.
Here we are.
Then he brought up about 6 months ago (actually September last year) when he mentioned maybe moving back to the D.C. area after our 5 or so years were up here. I laughed in his face and told him I was never going back.
Here we go.


  1. I'm excited you're coming! Did you have any parting words for Ol' Lester? Love ya!

  2. Mary, I am sad that you're leaving your cute little house but SOOOO excited to have you out here. I have missed you tons since visiting you.

    Poor Lester - I bet Ellie was super sad. But at least you got $200.

    I hope you can find some peace with the move (the I know that's hard, especially when you don't have a place yet). But basically, here are my thoughts: I'm super excited to have you here soon, Ashlynne is going to give Ellie way too many play dates until she gets sick of it, and your ward is going to just have to pull it together to make up for losing you two. CONGRATS WILL!!!!!!!

  3. We'll miss you (& Will & Ellie!) in Fairmont!!

  4. I'm happy for you and Will (at least I'm trying to be), but I will GREATLY miss you all when you leave.
