A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Random Stuff

I guess I don't really have anything specific to write about, except that I have some random pictures and stories that need to be shared.

*warning: some pictures have partial nudity. If you consider little person bums nudity.*

So I guess we'll start with a baby update. I'm currently 15 weeks and the morning sickness is gone!! When I was pregnant with Ellie, I got some maternity clothes about halfway through my pregnancy and wore them even though I didn't really need them yet. It was the novelty of the thing. But now I'm in maternity pants, for real. And I have been for a couple weeks now. And I actually look like a pregnant person in maternity shirts, which are like tents. 

I'm not sure how I made that face and I can't seem to replicate it. (I try every time I see it.) Anyway, there's the baby bump from last week.

We went to the doctor last week and got to schedule our ultrasound! It's for Sep. 28, in case anyone cares. I'm SO excited! The doctor visit went fine, but apparently I have low blood pressure. I'm not all that surprised. I explained that I have been really dizzy lately. Normally drinking more water seems to help, but I'm up to drinking almost a gallon a day, and that's twice what the doctor told me I should be drinking. And I am eating fairly healthy (minus the candy corn). He wasn't very helpful after that. He pretty much said he can't do anything unless I actually pass out, which I did several times when I was pregnant with Ellie. We'll see how that progresses.

Oh, and a week or two ago I felt a very, very small case of baby hiccups :) Normally that's too soon to feel the baby move, but I was sitting really still (trying to sleep, actually) and they were way too rhythmic to be anything else.

So, on to other things. While Will was taking the picture above, Ellie was helping. That's probably why I was making that face. Anyway, I was looking back through the pictures and I found these:

I did not take those. There's about a dozen of them and we have no idea when she took them. Obviously she quickly experimented with the camera when I wasn't looking and then put it back.

She does all sorts of things when I'm not looking. She likes to try and call Grandma with my phone, and she's actually managed to call and text several people. Sorry about that. And then there's this:

I did warn you. I think I was putting on her pajamas and got distracted by something, probably emptying the trash. I came back and found her wearing the trash can lid.

Or when I finished my workout and got a drink and came back to find her wearing my shoes. And my sweaty socks. I also caught her trying to do pushups and situps, but I was laughing too hard to get a picture.

Also, yesterday we lost the remote. I had it last and could not find it anywhere. I pulled the couches apart and looked in every room and it was just gone. I let Ellie watch her shows while I study, because otherwise I can't. Finally, after Will got home and we ate dinner and put Ellie down, Will found it. Where was it? In our bedroom, on the floor, behind the door. How did it get there? I'm still not entirely sure, but I have no doubt that it was Ellie. How do I know this? Because that is where she hid my glasses that morning while I was in the shower. Little stinker.

To update you on Ellie, she's 2. Meaning, she talks non-stop and her favorite word is "No!"  Although a second favorite lately is "why not?" She hasn't taken a nap in almost a month and it's killing me. She successfully went diaperless for several hours out of the house, for which she earned a smoothie. She pretty much just wears diapers when she sleeps (or is supposed to be sleeping).

Yesterday she finally admitted to being tired, so I quickly put her down for a nap, feeling all proud of myself. About 10 minutes later I hear her freaking out, so I checked on her and she had peed everywhere, because I forgot to put a diaper on her. *facepalm* Momma fail. By the time I got her and her bed all cleaned up, she wasn't tired anymore. I know because I took a 2 1/2 hour nap while I was "studying" and she played in her room the whole time (as evident by the mess).

The other day I asked her to help me clean up a mess. She said, "No. Ellie just baby."

Um, no. Not working on me.

That's definitely not a baby.


Um... I guess there's not a whole lot to update about Will. He's been working a lot lately, but got a 4 day weekend, so that was nice. We haven't heard anything about our "new" job. Oh, our mailbox was a victim of a hit and run, so Will fixed us a new one on Monday. It's shorter than our old one, but it works. He puts up with my pregnantness (a.k.a cravings, cryings, bathroom breaks, etc.) 
He's my hero :)

That might be all. Oh, except for one thing. I'm finished with Primary :( I'm the organist, a Primary teacher (the whole junior Primary, ages 3-7), and was recently called into the Relief Society Presidency. I managed to do all of it for a month, but it was too much. Someone is supposed to replace me in Primary, but it hasn't happened yet. So I had to hand in my Primary manual. It was sad. I love my class and they all gave me hugs and even wrote me a message (the one that can actually read and write). Anyway, I'll actually get to sit down and relax for a minute during church now.

So that's pretty much what's going on with us. Nothing incredibly exciting, but it keeps things going. Hopefully we'll have some more exciting news in the next month or so. :)


  1. It looks as though she's already practicing for when she posts a profile pic. They grow up so fast... Love ya, Mer!

  2. I love Ellie's self-portraits! Awesome. Also, you look a little bit like my sister-in-law making that face. It was kinda strange, like I'd gone to the wrong blog or something . . .

  3. Hahahahaha!!!! That Ellie just cracks me up. The picture of her "wearing" the trash can lid is too cute.
