A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Heaton Happenings

I'll start this one with a quick admission: I'm really bad at having my camera on hand.

That being said, I apologize for not having pictures of my beautiful sister Lindsay. Or having more fun pictures of anyone.

So my sister and her family came up to visit us. They didn't get to stay very long, but it was still fun. Unfortunately Will was on call that weekend, so we missed the blessing of my new nephew Ethan in Virginia.
We really wanted to be there!

This one was cute before Will made that face. Watching "Saturday morning cartoons" with Ellie and Peter (age 3).

Ellie and Caleb (age 6). Cute cousins! (Even if they are sitting on Ellie's potty.)

Awwww! Ellie and Uncle Brook.

The day before they came to visit we were playing outside. Will just got home and was walking up to us. I said, "Ellie, guess who's here?"
She got all excited and said, "Brook?!"

Just some snuggles.

Anyway, like I said, I was bad at taking pictures. But the ones I got are pretty awesome.

Thanks so much for coming to see us Heatons!

We'll have to do it again some time, and I'll find some fun things for us to do.

We love you!

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